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Case Study Assignment: Hospital Information Systems

Essay Instructions:

• Important note: Original work, No Plagiarism, Give reference, UK (English), Put quotations on each paragraph, Research on Google Scholar (only) or any books (UK book). 
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Click on Case Study link (below), or Copy the link then paste on (Google Chrome). Also there is a file ;in the essay you can use table/ Chart.
You are required to undertake the series of tasks described below. You are strongly advised to keep a record of the sources you consult as you undertake each task in order to make the compilation of your bibliography easier.
HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS: ARE FAILURES PROBLEMS OF THE PAST? (http://mit(dot)us(dot)edu(dot)pl/new/ftp/invited_speakers/MIT_2007-01.pdf). 
After carefully considering the case study – You must answer the questions listed below. It is critical that you are able to source relevant material from sources such as Nexis and Ebsco. and you should satisfy yourself that there is sufficient material on which you can base your answers. High marks will not be gained where it is obvious you have merely used a standard search engine such as Google. It is recommended that you use and correctly cite at least 10 items.
1. In your own words, summarise the salient facts about the HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS: ARE FAILURES PROBLEMS OF THE PAST? Case study and Identify the Information Systems structure outlined within the case study. 
2. List and describe six reasons why information systems are so important for organisations like the NHS today using referenced examples.
3. Identify an example of each of the Strategic, Tactical and Operational Decisions which might be/have been taken and how the information systems outlined in the case study support these decisions. Explain why these decisions are respectively Strategic, Tactical and Operational. You must provide referenced examples.
4. List all of the sources you used for tasks 1-3. You must use the Leeds Beckett Harvard Referencing style and in addition indicate the tool you used to find the source of each item for example Discovery, Nexis, Ebsco. You should use at least 10 sources in your report.
5. Overall presentation of tasks 1-4 including layout, spelling and use of language. 
Word length: Your report should not exceed 2500 words . Any work over this limit will be ignored. This figure excludes your bibliography/References and the use of any graphics. 
NO plagiarism report please. Ask and update me everytime.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study: Hospital Information Systems
Institution of Affiliation
Case Study: Hospital Information Systems
Hospital Information Systems reflect the Health Sectors attempt at catching up with developments in IT and information technology. These systems seek to harness the power of IT and apply it in improving patient care and service delivery. As a sector, the health system has an innate aversion to IT CITATION Wor08 \l 1033 (World Health Organisation, 2008). This has been informed by the propensity for IT systems to fail at inopportune times. The result in hospitals and health care centres can affect the mortality of patient. Health sector decision and policy makers have utilized this risk to undermine the need to invest in IT within the sector. The result is a health care system globally that is unable to function according to the needs of its global, modern populace CITATION Vin10 \l 1033 (Omachonu, 2010).
Health sector have attempted to correct this anomaly by instituting huge IT programs that attempt to bring the Health sector into the information age. A good example is the National Health Service (NHS) scheme to implement new ICT services in England at £12.4 billion over a 10 year period. The figure is an astronomical amount to invest in a sector where there is no guarantee of returns. There are limited studies that show an exact and definitive correlation between IT and the accrued benefits to the health care system. Such an investment naturally demands an accounting for in political and economic circles. The investment forces researchers to question if the amount investment is worth the perceived returns from it CITATION Sue13 \l 1033 (Bowman, 2013).
The paper therefore attempts to find answers to these critical questions. Are Hospital Information Systems Safe? If so, what about the failures that previously presented themselves, are these failures a thing of the past? The paper further will conduct an empirical dissection of these systems. The paper will determine if there are, if any, benefits to be gained from the use of these information systems.
Question 1 – Salient Facts and the IS Structure
The paper recognizes that the failure of Information Systems (IS) is a result of the complexity of the modern day Information Systems. These failures can be attributed to; over-enthusiasm of users whose enthusiasm often leads to improper usage of a system or the over-crowding of the IS platform where the system does not have the capability to handle traffic beyond a given limit, resistance of users who are unaware of the essence of the Information System, political manoeuvres by stakeholders in the development of a given information system, and fluctuating managerial support for the roll out of a system.
Information systems in the UK are expensive endeavours costing some £22.6 billion per annum CITATION Vic14 \l 1033 (Lane, Snaith, & Lane, 2014). However, despite the high price tag, these systems often fail to deliver to expectations. The systems fails to meet; cost targets, the expectation of the end-user and the time schedule set for the roll out of a system. The paper recognizes through previous research on the topic a number of issues that can contribute to the failure or success of a HIS system. These include; lack of clarity between the HIS project and the hospitals strategic objectives; lack of clear and succinct leaderships of the project from the hospitals and the relevant government ministry; lack of adequate and consistent engagement with stakeholders in the HIS; over-concern on the initial cost of the HIS system rather than the long term utility of the project; lack of apprehension by senior management of the essence of the system and lack of enough resources to support the roll out of the HIS system CITATION Nat16 \l 1033 (National Health Service, 2016).
The paper ultimately notes that recent developments in IT has made the roll out of HIS systems feasible. This is evidenced by the NHS system. However, there are inherent problems in the project. These include; the ability to complete these projects within the allocated time and cost constraints, and the ability of the project managers to manage change. The NHS has done this through the use of a dual policy mandate. The NHS purchases the system at a national level for all organisations within its purview. The implementation of the project is conducted locally, allowing it to be structured as per local needs and characteristics CITATION Nat16 \l 1033 (National Health Service, 2016).
The information systems structure utilised in the case study is indicated below;
CITATION Vic14 \l 1033 (Lane, Snaith, & Lane, 2014)
The triangle of dependencies notes that there are 3 categories of individuals that are necessary for the success of a given HIS system project. These are the executive sponsor of the project, the system architect who undertakes to create the project and the project manager responsible for the daily administration of the system. The system will further have 3 components necessary for its effective utility; a Project Organisation, an Information System, and Supporters. Where these components work in concert with each other, the success of the project is easy to achieve. However, failure to ensure cohesion of the components results in failure CITATION Vic14 \l 1033 (Lane, Snaith, & Lane, 2014).
Question 2
Information systems are critical for organisations like the NHS due to their ability to organise large volumes efficiently. The NHS is constantly receiving information from doctors and patients across the nation. The NHS requires a platform that can receive this information efficiently and organise it in such a manner that the information can be utilized in making decisions. The system must therefore be able to catalogue the data, file it, analyse it, synthesise it and ultimately present it to decision makers and policy formulators. Information systems provide such services to the NHS. The systems reduce the complexity of managing the large volume of information and ensure that there is better management of information CITATION Sue13 \l 1033 (Bowman, 2013).
Information is a key in ensuring that the NHS is able to consistently pay for the services patients procure at different hospitals. The HIS systems allow the NHS to receive information regarding finances from different institutions. The NHS is therefore in a position to predict how its finances are required over a given financial year. The NHS will understand when its services are utilised to a high degree and when the services are paid for. It will know when it needs to have adequate liquid funds. This will ensure that the NHS is able to pay its suppliers and avoid falling into financial problems. The NHS will also be able to track its debtors better. This will ensure that the NHS receives correct payment for the services it offers to its clients. Thus, the NHS will consistently be in a position to meet its short term financial obligations while investing in the future of the health sector without over-dependence on the UK government.
Information systems contribute to better delivery of patient care. Medical practitioners consistently have access to medical records. The medical practitioners can therefore provide higher levels of care to their patients due to the info...
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