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Myers-Briggs personality test

Essay Instructions:

For this report you must take a test based on the Myers-Briggs personality test. It is a 72 question test that will result in a 4 letter representation of your personality. There is no “Passing” or Failing” this test. Once you acquire your personality letters, write a three page (typed, double-spaced, 12pt font) report explaining: 1. Your letter profile 2. What the test measures 3. Describe all 8 of the letters 4. Brief history of the test 5. Whether you agree or disagree with the results. http://www(dot)humanmetrics(dot)com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp Going to the link above take the test first, choose all "Yes"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Myers-Briggs personality test
After taking the test my 4 letter profile is:
Extravert(1%)  Sensing(1%)  Feeling(12%)  Judging(1%)
* You have a marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)
* You have a marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
* You have a slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
* You have a marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
This test seeks to measure personality and attitude of people. The personality is what others are likely to passive about you will the attitude is how you perceive your environment and the things that happen.
Brief history of Myers-Briggs personality test
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, usually called MBTI, its origin was associated with Swiss analytical psychologist Carl Jung. Although both Myers-Briggs and Carl Jung had different perceptions about personality. Carl’s approach was had some unique identifiers of personality, he categorized peoples personality into two; that is, "perceiver" and "judger".
Carl Jung further categorized the two broad categories into other smaller categories of two types of personalities under each. Under perceiver, there are two types of personalities, "sensation and intuition" while under judger there are, "thinking and feeling". From the four brackets, he argued that everyone had a personality preference in either. Finally from these personalities he concluded that each category is again subdivided into two attitudes types, that is introversion and extraversion.
Thus in the scale of Carl Jung human beings are categorized under one of the eight fundamental psychological types.
From his concept, Katherine Briggs was pleased by what Jung had discovered. With her daughter Isabel Briggs they got engaged with Jungs idea and the hypothetical theories in psychology. They analyzed Carl Jung’s concept and came up with their own version. This induced some changes to what Carl Jung had come up with. In their concept they argued that there was a possibility of someones personality to combine more than the four element...
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