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Air Power: Advantage Of Support and Attacks

Essay Instructions:

Was not really sure which subject area to select from the choices above, but this essay is on “Air Power Studies”. The number of sources does not have to be 8 (anything between 5 – 10). I hope the following info will be useful:

Using materials from readings (See Attached), lectures, and classroom discussions, answer the following question in an essay of no more than (4) double-spaced pages. Use 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1” margins all around. Be sure to support your answer with specific empirical evidence and examples from the course. Include full citation end-notes and bibliography (not included in page count)

Since the beginning of the 1960s, how has air-power been most effectively employed and why?

Your essay must be received by your course instructor no later than the start of your seminar on 23 November. Course Instructor will provide guidance for turn-in procedure.

See your course instructor for any questions relating to this exam.

Writing Considerations:

1. Thesis 

You must have a clear thesis preferably in your first paragraph. The thesis must be clear, arguable and answers the questions.

2. Organization

Write your essay in a logical pattern.

3. Argument and support.

4. Conclusion

Your conclusion must restate the thesis and summarize the argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thesis: Without air power, most wars on the ground would be difficult to win. The advantage provided by air support and air attacks is accompanied by the element of surprise, making it an efficient way to claim victory in the battlefield.
Air power can be referred to as the capability to manifest power from space and air in order to manipulate the conduct of the people or how events are being conducted. Air power is very important as it sends commands to those that are on the earth especially during war times. Moreover, air power is especially used when there is war in a country or between countries and the military is unable to settle the differences on ground1. Therefore, it can be regarded as one of the best tactics that are used by the military during periods of war. Also, countries with the best air power are regarded as classified among the super powers in the world. The Air force is one of the examples of the military forces that are used by the United States to enhance air power during war. Since 1960s, air power has been used across the world with the aim of combating terrorism and also to instill peace2. This argument is based on the impact that has been created by the use of air power and why nations have used air power from this period of time.
Air power has been effectively been used as a measure to curb war and crimes against humanity that have taken place in different spans of time from the year 1960. For example the world has been facing threats from terror and a number of nations have also been faced by bombings that have been conducted by terrorist in different periods of time. For instance, the U.S. has faced terror attacks in the past years. In the year 2001, there were the September attacks to the U.S. from the Islamist terror groups that bombed the pentagon building3. This attack was blamed on the Al-Qaeda. This led to some response from the United States to the Taliban group in Afghanistan. The U.S had to use the air power in trying to target their leader Osama Bin Laden who was later killed by the U.S. military after pentagon was bombed.
The use of air power has been effectively used by not only the U.S but also other countries in the world especially in trying to deal with terrorism, in this regard, many countries have been heavily investing in their military especially the air force that is considered as the last resort of force that a country may use when the level of terror or war cannot be combated on ground4. This involves the purchasing of heavy machines that are used in the war. This has also been accompanied with technical training to the military forces that are meant to deal with such particular cases whenever they arise. However, in some particular instances, the super powers tend to have more control of the air power in comparison to countries that have not well been established in terms of air power. In this regard, some of the countries have always been subjected under the super power and in essence their decisions have been fully influenced5.
On the other hand after some f the African countries received independence, some of the opted to invest more on military and air power in terms of heavy machineries in order to protect their people. This however led to the development and discovery of boundaries that have been used to differentiate the many countries in Africa and in the world...
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