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Essay Instructions:
Hi, Due to the past essay problems with failure marks that i have received, i expect this essay to be high priorities and written by a writer that has expertise and compassion in this field of studies. This essay is due by October 3rd 12:00 AM Eastern time. Please provide me with an outline on OCTOBER 1st , so I can go through it my self and know what are you going to talk about in it. This Assignment, is essay style, full sentences based paper. You need to first Read the Assignment outline paper which is provided on the PDF file. Then you need to Read the Article that I upload called Chr. Kohler, \\\" The State of Research on Late Predynastic Egypt: New Evidence for the Development of the Pharaonic State?\\\", Gottinger Miszellen 147 (1995), 79-92. && also READ Van De Mieroop, Page 50 ( Key debate 2.1). You can go ahead and have other sources of research which are primary sources and trusted source, but FOR sure include the readings that i have uploaded on PDF and attached on the citation and keep it consistent. So the mark of this assighnment will reflect on how well you 1. Describe what the pottery found in different locations and at different times can tell us about the cultures of upper and lower egypt during the Predynastic period and identify 3 examples. 2. Outline the main Theories of unification (eg. Trigger and Kaiser), Including examples ( This is the main Crust of the article which is uploaded on the PDF, 2 different theories of unification, types of evidence. 3. summarize the author\\\'s conclusions and , ideally, provide your own response (No shorter then 2 full page) ( first person singular, future directions make your own argument and cite the other author) 4. Properly cite the works you use ( north, those that Koehler uses to make her own argument, and potentially additional ones, like van de Mieroop) ( Citation format is , for now, not a marking criterion). 5. Communicate clearly and effectively in writing, including proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Please read the articles, and Cite correctly . 2 readings, and you can go beyond , the more material you get, the better essay it will be. Present an account of the potential processes that led to the unification of the egyptian state at the end of the 4th Millennium BCE on the basis of the following article Social Sciences Essay Good luck
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The country of Egypt has an uncommon cultural and geographical unity, which has offered Egyptian people a strong sense of pride and identity in the heritage as descendants of the earliest civilized community of humankind. The culture of the Egyptians is divided into two major stages in its entirety where the interface of the two phases namely; socio-political and cultural developments culminate in the earliest Egyptian pharaonic state (Kohler, 1995). Various potential processes may have contributed to the unification of the state of Egyptians at the end of the fourth Millennium BCE. Christiana Kohler has discussed some of the new evidence for the expansion of Pharaonic state, which leads our studies into a better understanding of formation of state.
Kohler has expounded on her theories about the potential process that unified the Egyptians. In her introduction, Kohler states that the entire culture of Egypt is divided into two stages, whose interface as in the culture as well as socio-political developments culminates in the prehistoric Egyptian pharaonic state. Numerous theories have been developed to explain the unification but no effective findings would be termed as dependable. Thus, Kohler explains about two theories whose work is derived from commendable scholars in her opinion. The most preferable are Bruce Trigger for working through a theoretical perspective that investigates cultural dynamics although he recently focused on pharaonic Egypt in a certain contribution. Trigger`s studies about early Egypt involved the work of Werner Kaiser, a scholar who is the initiator of main field as well as publication projects. Both scholars initiate a general assumption that becomes the starting point, which implies that there was a division of two independent cultures during the late prehistoric Egypt (Malden & Oxford, 2008). The cultures were Buto-Maadi that dwelled in the North while the other was Naqada in the southern side of Egypt.
The theory by Kaiser was recently published, extracts his information from the early historic monuments as well as recent fieldwork by archaeology. The theory states that Naqada Culture conquered the Buto-Maadi culture and their territory after expanding from an interior zone. The Naqada culture replaced and assimilated the Buto-Maadi culture, popularizing its culture into widespread late predynastic culture that enveloped the entire extent of Nile valley. A certain military and political efforts to integrate by the southern Egypt kings and it resulted in the establishment of dynastic state whose capital was located at Memphis. In addition, Trigger elaborates about two different cultures as well as their interactions. Trigger notion was that the unification was rather peaceful, stating that there existed an economic character between South and north resulting to an intensive interregional trade (Bainesa and Málek, 2000). Kohler views the two theories as a potential process towards true findings, stating that both factions may gain assistance from archaeological study to find clear answers.
Various potteries were found in the different stages of the pr-historic Egypt, which some scholars used to calculate on the potential reasons for the unification of Egypt. The article by Miroop states that some archaeologists had found the skeletons during the early dynastic cemeteries and although they did not provide much evidence, they brought about more quests for search of truth. Moreover, some objects such as the Narmer palette and other similar ones were also found indicated that Egyptians had defeated other Egyptians. Kohler also states that some materials excavated previously have brought about some achievements in building up perception in researchers that the geographical sites and regions of Lower and Upper Egypt reflect a similar cultural entity. The Upper Egypt contained a social system that was more developed with economic basis and demand for production of specialized pottery. On the other hand, the Lower Egypt also dealt with ceramic works as the area had ceramic industries.
Additionally, the way of life of the pre-historic Egypt was quite similar according to Miroop considering the economic activities and social status, among others. The remains found in the desert made the lands more fertile for the pastoralists than the farmers at that time. This shows that pastoralists had prospered more than the valley farmers of the same period had. This is proved from the rock art, which is in the eastern dessert. In addition, there is evidence gotten from the oases of the western desert. For numerous centuries, the wealthier and active people were considered the ones that moved around than the people who opted to farm. Thus, such people developed a superior social hierarchy as well as elite, which controlled resources, ultimately unifying the entire Egypt Delta, desert and valley regions. They united the regions into a huge territory that had bureaucracy that would manage it.
On personal opinion, the theory by Trigger and Kaiser could be reliable in finding vivid answers because of the source of information provided. The similarity is portrayed by the inclusion of culture on both theories, showing that some truth may be extracted from the information and if carefully considered a...
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