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The Division of Labour And Its Impacts: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:


- please don't make it very formal use informal words as well I'm looking to get between a 70%-80% don't use rich vocabulary just make it basic

- it has to be on original texts, not the editors summary so that would be the next page of a beginning chapter

the adam smith reading has no summary so that's the original text

for the sept 28th reading it starts at page 40-47

oct 5th 72-82

oct 19th part 1 it starts at page 48-56

oct 19 part 2 it starts at page 59-69

- answer the first question in 2 pages and the second one in 2 pages

- On the top right of your first page, please write your name, student number, and tutorial

number. No title page please.

- No outside sources are permitted. Rely on the readings, PPT, lecture, and tutorial


- No bibliography needed. For citation: use WN for The Wealth of Nations, GI for The

German Ideology, Capital for Capital Volume 1, and EPM for Economic and Philosophic Manuscript of 1844, and CM for The Communist Manifesto; and put page number (page number of the textbook for Marx). Example for German Ideology in the textbook page 66: (GI:66)

- Max. 6 pages (Times New Roman 12 points; double spaced; standard margins; pagination and stapled)

(single-space for quote, if more than 4 lines)

- Take the essay format, beginning your discussion with a brief introduction and ending with a short conclusion. Discuss the questions in a logical manner and meet this page limit.

Please discuss both questions

1. Compare the materialist conception of history of Marx (and Engels) and Adam Smith, focusing on their similarity and difference in theorizing the division of labor and its effects on social relations. Discuss the extent of which these theories help to explain the distribution of wealth in our Canadian society.

(50 percent; maximum 3 pages)

- Include in your discussion 2 quotes from “original texts” which in your judgement demonstrate their key differences (1 quote for each theorist).

2. Marx and Engels theorize workers as the “grave diggers” of the capitalist system in The Communist Manifesto. Has the proletariat, or working class, sunk deeper and deeper with the advance of industry as they explained? Why or why not? How prevalent is the fetishism of commodities in contemporary capitalist societies? What examples of commodity fetishism do you see in your own life and the lives of your family and friends? (50 percent, max. 3 pages)

- Include in your discussion the following concepts: wage labour, labour theory of value, competition, crisis, and class polarization.

- Include 2 quotes from their “original texts.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Number
Tutorial Number
The Division of Labour And Its Impacts
Karl Marx and Adam Smith are considered the greatest economists in history. Their theories helped to establish the basis for further research and understanding of the concept of economics. In their theories, Marx and Smith held similar positions on some ideas and different ones on others. It was a war of economic ideas that would determine the fate of the world. Throughout the twentieth century, it was evident how the difference in their ideas impacted the political, economic, and social policies of different countries. To date, their philosophies of capitalism and communism are still studied. In this paper, the author explores the theories of Marx (and Engels) and Smith as regards to division of labour, wealth distribution, class polarization, and commodity fetishism.
Marx (and Engels) and Smith held different views on the division of labour within society. Smith was of the view that every working individual in society played an important role because their work contributed to the overall good of the community. It was through this theory that Smith came up with the idea of specialization. According to him, if every individual in a pin-making factory were assigned a particular role, efficiency would be maximized, and so would production. In the Wealth of Nations, he noted that “This great increase of the quantity of work, which, in consequence of the division of labour, the same number of people are capable of performing, is owing to three different circumstances; first to the increase of dexterity in every particular workman; secondly, to the saving of the time which is commonly lost in passing from one species of work to another; and lastly, to the invention of a great number of machines, which facilitate and abridge labour, and enable one man to do the work of many.” (WON: 11).
Marx had a similar view to Smith’s when it came to the importance of the working individual in society. He understood the importance of production and consumption played in an economy. However, how the economy was divided is where Smith and Marx differed. Smith held a capitalist view of the economy. He supported the system where there was a small ruling class and a large working class. However, Marx was opposed to this idea. Marx held a communist view. His standpoint was that a classless society in which everybody benefited fairly from their labour was the most desirable. As seen in part II of the October reading, Marx warned that the communists would “openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” (FCST: 57).
The capitalist theory of Adam Smith had a significant impact on social relations throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. During this period, there was a growing class divide. There were the wealthy ruling class and the poor working class. This was made worse by the fact that during this time, slavery was a norm. Still, there was evidence that despite the efficiency of a capitalist system, the poor working class were oppressed. During the nineteenth century, Marx’s theory brought about hope for the poor working class. They could now voice their grievances, and this led to many revolutions as seen in France and Russia during the mid-1800s. During and after World War II, communist ideas also re-emerged as nations such as Russia and China began...
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