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Sociology of Punishment. Social Sciences Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Reading Response #2

You can choose to write on the readings for one of four classes: Class #6 (October 26th), Class #7 (November 2nd), Class #8 (November 9th), or Class #9 (November 16th) for the second reading response.

You must write on ALL the articles/chapters assigned for the class that you choose to write on.

Your reading responses consist of two components:

Part 1: Reading summary

• 1-2 pages, single-spaced

• One or two ‘meaty’ paragraphs per reading

You are distilling the key themes

1. Complete a first read, marking ideas as you go.

a. Ask yourself:

i. What is the context of the piece?

ii. Who is the audience?

iii. What is the author trying to say?

iv. How do she/he/they go about demonstrating it?

v. Does she/he/they do a good job

b. Review the critical thinking lecturette for other ways of approaching this.

2. Re-read the article and write a summary.

a. Write a summary that captures the essence of the author's argument (main points) and puts it into context.

Part 2: Critical response essay

• 4-8 pages, double-spaced

• First decide what you want to say:

Synthesize readings;

Use the prompts to get you thinking;

But go beyond the prompts too (you don’t have to necessarily answer the prompts in the order I pose them) – show some creativity;

Contextualize, analyse, critique, comment, etc.

• Make your argument clear in the introduction to your essay.

Make use of a thesis statement to state what you will be arguing.

• Develop your argument using the readings.

You can incorporate other pieces (recommended readings, readings from other weeks, outside sources) but it is not necessary.


• Prompts are only a starting point.

You may want to work with me to develop a different set of prompts more in line with your interests.

• Don’t summarize in your critical response essay (that’s what the summaries are for).

• Find themes that run across the readings or things that the authors see differently.

Try to put the readings in conversation with one another.

Make an argument based on what you see as important or different across the readings

• Review the Writing and Critical Thinking lecturette (from Week 1).

• Frame your thesis statement as a direct answer to a prompt question (and make sure you include the authors themselves in the argument) OR Frame your thesis statement as a critique of the readings themselves.

If providing a critique as your main argument, your thesis could be something along lines of “I argue that Author 1 and Author 2 provide a more effective explanation for understanding punishment than Author 3 because X, Y, and Z.”

• Have a clear argument, and a logical, thoughtful structure.

• Develop your argument using the readings, rather than discussing the readings in order to develop an argument.


• Use of sub-headings throughout the critical response essay of your papers

• Use 12pt. Times New Roman font and 2 cm margins on all sides

• Use ASA formatting for your citations and reference page.

You do not need to include an abstract.

You should include a title on the first page of your assignment.

• Include your name, ID number, course code, and date on the first page.

Note to writer:

What is required is a critical response essay for the articles provided depending on the week chosen (either 6, 7, 8, or 9).

I have attached the readings labelled with the corresponding week to allow flexibility on your part. Please ensure all the readings for each week will be incorporated into the essay depending on which week chosen. If you have further questions, please message me through the system. Thank you for your assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name
Instructor's Name
Summary of Ideas (Week 6 Articles)
An ideal prison? Critical essays on women's imprisonment in Canada.
The essay addresses the situation of women imprisonment in Canada and reviews the attempt to introduce prison reforms. The article is addressed to the public and the government to bring to attention to the current state of Canadian prisons about women inmates and suggests why women inmates should be given fair incarceration terms. Based on women's history in Canadian prisons, the author highlights the impact of the Canadian government's current punitive and penal measures towards women lawbreakers. The author also talks about the reforms' results due to feminism movements and the impediments that hinder the implementation of these reforms about women imprisonment terms in Canada both in provincial and federal prisons. With invaluable history on the plight of women in Canadian prisons, the author questions the role of prison in Canadian society, which she considers partial.
What Is A Rehabilitation Theory?
The rehabilitation of offenders has been a contentious topic in criminology and penology. Rehabilitation is processes of assisting a person readapt to the society and restore the former position in the society. The rehabilitation theory of punishment argues that the purpose of punishment is to apply treatment and training to wrongdoers and aid them to return to the society and become law abiding citizens. The concept of rehabilitation has adapted many meanings over the years and gained popularity as a justification for punishment and correcting wrong doers. The concept of rehabilitation rests on the assumption that there are factors that lead to criminal behaviors. The approach argues that though people make choices to break the law, their choices are a matter of freewill. The decision made by a wrong doer is influenced by a person’s social surrounding, psychological development and the biological make up
How did Rehabilitation Become a Dirty Word?
The authors, Ward and Maruna, in “How did Rehabilitation Become a Dirty Word,” address the justice system's failure in rehabilitating criminals. The book talks about how the word Rehabilitation used in correctional services does not match the real meaning. Current punitive actions done by the officers in charge of the penitentiary system do not offer the criminals any opportunity to live a better life after serving their terms. The authors also raise their supposition on how a balance can be drawn between punishing criminals and rehabilitating them. Backed by evidence, the authors address the possibility of reducing reconviction rates by putting in place proper rehabilitative measures rather than focusing on punishing the offenders only. According to the book, the effective correctional system should focus on drawing a balance between punishment and Rehabilitation. An effective rehabilitation system for lawbreakers would be the one that promotes making a better-transformed human while avoiding risks associated with rehabilitating a criminal. The authors discuss the excellent life model and the risk model associated with bringing sanity to the correctional system. The books further argue that the best way to deal with offenders is to punish the offender and involve all the stakeholders to remodel offenders to become better society members.
Dependency discourse as social control
In her book “Dependency discourse as Social Control,” Shoshana Pollack addresses the Plight of Caribbean Canadian women and the reason why they found themselves in prison. Many of them attributed their incarceration to financial problems that they had to deal with. The need for women to be independent and self-reliant as a way to stop reliance on men is the main focus of the essay. According to Pollack, many of the social injustices arise from overdependence on men by women. Though some women may resort not to depend on men, it is still difficult for them to figure it out on their own due to challenges women face to be independent. Some of the challenges by women to be independent are socio economic-related and include low paying jobs and state subsidies that impede women from figuring life out. Hindrance of women to become independent results in women overdependent on men. In the process of this, women end up being abused and distressed. According to the author, Canada's criminal correctional system has received international acclamation for its considerations of women-related issues and ensuring gender sensitivity. However, it has equally been criticized for being inconsistent for not prioritizing empowering women to be self-reliant. Women should be assigned, and their well-being behind bars is monitored, empowered, and supported. Women who have experienced abuse and torture in men's hands may experience disorders that may render them violent and hence the need to consider ideal correctional services carefully.
Critical Response Essay (Week 6 Articles)
Restoring the Sanity in Criminal Justice
There are efforts that have been put to restore justice in the society and improve the social wellbeing of offenders by procedurally reinstating them back to the society. Criminal justice is a process that looks are creating a crime free environment for every member of the society by countering crime. The authority responsible for law and order has made efforts that have been made to see the justice system integrating efficient policies and practices in their justice and correctional systems, the world is still faced with issues that have been persistent but which have remained unaddressed. By synthesizing, contextualizing, analyzing and critiquing the readings in chapter six this sections offers clear understanding on criminal justice in the law and order enforcement system.
First, criminal justice system focuses on law and order, rehabilitation processes, and edification of the population on how to mitigate violation of law and order. Factually, the penitentiary service departments' current courses are yet to introduce efficient systems to ensure that inmates are punished and rehabilitated more importantly. Matters concerning women ...
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