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Views on the Uses of Solution-Focused Interventions

Essay Instructions:

Each week we have students presenting about that week’s reading.

Before the presentation the presenters that week will open a discussion forum and lead a discussion

I will attach the syllabus, the readings and what the presenters wrote.

There are two presenters.

Write TWO SEPARATE reflections to each presenter(one and a half page for each presenter)

For each reflection there a two part:

1. write a reflection on what the presenter wrote and how that applies to the readings that week. ( one page)

2. answer the questions the presenters gave, you could choose to answer one question or all of them( half page).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
After reading the presentation on solution-focused intervention, I gained knowledge of the uses of solution-focused interventions, especially in the cross-cultural environment. I learned a lot about inclusivity and using the social worker's cultural strengths. The reflection presents some of my views that changed after reading the article.
I agree with the presenter's view that solution-focused intervention is a psychotherapy treatment. Solution-focused methods have been utilized effectively in personal therapy and also by families and couples. The methods were created aiming to help individuals undergoing treatment discover solutions to problems they experience. Notably, the approach has extended to provide solutions to issues in diverse challenges experienced in the day-to-day lives of people. Individuals from different organizations, communities, and age groups also seem to benefit from the interventions arising from the methods.
Solution-focused interventions are applied in the treatment of an extensive array of issues. Many times, the approach is also utilized in addressing problems where the person undergoing treatment has an idea of what they specifically need (Miller, & Moyers, 2017). In the solution-focused approach, the person requiring treatment is seen as the "master" of the problem he or she is facing. The specialist requests the person to state what transformation they would like to see in their body. The patient will also contribute to laying out proper approaches that can effectively achieve the intended objectives. Because the procedure focuses on problems instead of their purposes, it could be more viable at treating specific issues than others.
Studies have shown that the Solution-focused approach might be a valuable method for social workers who encounter conduct issues or work problems. It has additionally been seen as a viable way to deal with family treatment and couples' guidance. This strategy is frequently utilized in addition to other related methodologies. A solution-focused approach may not be recommended for individuals who are encountering severe mental disorders. 
The presenter's views relate to the readings of that week in an extraordinary manner. His views on social workers utilizing cultural strengths prove that he analyzed the lessons well to form an opinion. The presenter's identification of psychotherapy also shows he is familiar with treatment methods advocated by that week's readings. When a social worker and client are from different backgrounds, it presents an opport...
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