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PLSC 321 Short Paper Social Sciences Essay Research

Essay Instructions:


Please follow the attached paper and chose a country of your choosing except the ones covered on the attached PPTs. Use the attached PPTs to answer this paper.


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PLSC 321 Short Paper (2)
Case-Apply the cyclical propensity theory of the rise and decline of states on a selected state of your choice, other than the ones studied by Ibn Rushd or Ibn Khaldun.
1 Brief introduction for why you have selected that state:
The selected country is Achaemenid Persia, and the modern name is Iran. This country has been selected since it was one of the biggest empires under Alexander the great of Macedon in 334 BCE. Additionally, Alexander is one of the most notable Kings of Persia. After his death, the nation just collapsed under the rule of the military and political generals. Later, the central states of Persia also collapsed. They were replaced by other factions of multiple competing states in a matter of years. One of those states is the current nation of Iran. Therefore, Achaemenid Persia reflects two factions. The first is how Alexander of Macedon rose into ruling one of the world's biggest empires. Two is the intricate process of how a small nation-state can expand and grow into a huge empire.[Waters, Matthew W. "The Achaemenid Persian Empire." The Oxford World History of Empire: Volume Two: The History of Empires (2020): 111.]
2 Enter(write) the name of each stage by clicking on the (TEXT) box in the below model:
3 Briefly explain each identified stage in the above model.
The cyclical propensity model shows how a state can rise and fall, such as Achaemenid Persia. This state rose and fell from Kind Darius III to Alexander the great.
Stage one is Rise, which shows how a king or ruler rises to power and rules the state. The leading person emerges and takes charge of the state. He also forces his will upon the others. In this case, it was ...
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