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Japan and Cambodia

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Japan and Cambodia
Population structures have played a critical role in influencing economic, social and political environments in the majority of countries. Countries globally are heavily investing in research targeting at identifying hidden trends in their population structures. This is very important as it will avail the much needed information essential for sound decision making. Population patterns in a given country will further dictate both the level economic development achieved. It will assist the government in design of realistic economic development strategies which fits the country’s population patterns. This is important introducing development strategies which do not meet with the needs of the population may make targeted objectives to be hardly achieved. Among the most important demographic features in a population is the age and aging trend. This is very vital and will dictate age groups in a country. Among countries with huge differences in population structures include Japan and Cambodia. Different structural population patterns have played a vital role in influencing economic and social environments.
Japan and Cambodia population structures have significant differences making the two countries to be very attractive or compared. Substantial differences in aging life expectancy in the two countries are very different. To both Japan and Cambodia, such differences have played huge role in dictating the social and economic environments in the two countries.
This paper will focus on identifying population structure differences between Japan and Cambodia. Impacts of population structures in the two countries are also discussed.
Population Structures and Importance
The population remains inevitable factor stakeholders are always concerned, in the design and implementation of any strategy. Globalization and effects of conversion of the world into global like village have impacted on substantial migration of people from different geographical location worldwide. This has largely influenced population distribution patterns globally.
Distribution of population structures is usually different in various countries. Such structures will play substantial roles in dictating different social and economic environment in a country. Different policies implemented are expected to be guided by the population distribution structures in terms of age, gender and overall population figure. Countries are realizing that without tailoring different strategies introduced and ensuring they fit population needs targeted objectives can hardly be achieved.
Therefore, countries are consequently being forced to invest more in extracting hidden trends in population data. Such data are mainly found in Census records and other records from the government. This will lay the foundation of design of sound and realistic strategies. This is very essential in any country,
In majority of countries, population structure between different countries is relatively different. Key example includes Japan and Cambodia. The population structures are very different. Life expectancy is substantially different. Total population figures are also not the same. This has impacted on various non demographic consequences in the two countries.
Population Analysis in Japan and Cambodia
Significant differences exist between population structures in Japan and Cambodia. In Japan, overall, the population now aggregates to approximately 130 Million. Statistics show that Japan is ranked among countries with highest life expectancy of more than 80 years. Critics argued that the population is among the oldest living in the world with more than 25 million of the citizens aged over 80 years. This expected to further increase to more than 40 million in future (Nation Master 2013a).
Increase in aged population is mainly as a result of improved health care and the decline in mortality rates. This can either affect overall economic development either positively or negatively. Increase in aged population can also be as a result of reduced birth rates compared to recorded death rates. This has played a substantial impact on future economic growth prospects in the county. It is prudent to ensure balance in a different population age group; however, this is rarely achieved in most cases.
An aged population may have both positive and negative consequences. Such senior citizens in the country are more exposed and therefore, better placed to give appropriate advice critical in making economic, social and development. This may positively contribute to overall good in a country. It is important to note that such an aged population will in most cases consist of retirees who have accumulated enough resources to cater for their needs and consequently dependency rate will not increase.
However, this is not always the case. In other cases the aged population may cause trouble to the govern those who are not formally employed in stable jobs. The government can therefore be forced to incur substantial costs in efforts of meeting the needs of such population. Alternatively, they may largely depend on the working population. This will have the impact of reducing per capita income. Other potential challenges include the fact that such an aged population will consume more revenues on health needs. Their immunity is low and consequently they will often feel sick. This is a challenge Japan should be willing to address.
Also in Japan, infant population is approximately 6 million. An analysis of population structures shows that age group 60 years to 64 years has always been high compared to other younger population group such as 15-30 years (Nation Master 2013a.). Such trends in population structures are very unique compared to other countries globally. The trend is expected to continue as the government seems not to give much concern to such a worrying trend.
Such a population structure will play significant role in influencing the countries social and political environments. The government should consequently take adequate measures in ensuring the rate growth in aged population corresponds with growth in other population age groups. This will ensure a more balanced population structure which is essential for sustainable economic development.
Comparing this with Cambodia, the overall population is approximately 15Million (Nation Master 2013b). The population has grown from about 1 Million in the year 1921 to the current figure. Annual population growth is approximately 2.3% (Mongabay 2010). Comparing this with Japan population significant difference is eminent. The difference between population figures between the two countries as it amounts to approximately 120 Million. This will ultimately play significant role in the differentiating rate of economic growth realized by the two countries.
Death rates are relatively high with life expectancy is 44.2 Years with females having slightly lower expectancy ...
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