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Media's Influence on the Identity Development of Youth

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Sources need: 7-9 sources

Sources: Academic Sources, Government Records and Documents, Statistics, Reports, Legal Documents, Lecture Material, and Assigned readings

Essay format: ASA format without abstract

Essay Topic: Mass Media

Narrow Topic: Media's influence on the Identity Development of Youth

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Media's Influence on the Identity Development of Youth
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Mass media plays an essential role in shaping the culture of young people in Canada.Understanding the relationship between youths’ socialization and the mass media they employ is critical (Berman, 2013). It creates the accurate picture of factors moving the identity expansion of the culture of Canadian youth. IHDCYH (Institute of Human Development, Child, along with Youth Health) is the only national charitable organization dedicated solely to develop the wellbeing of children together with teens using mass media. IHDCYH uses mass media in survey to ensure the best start in life for all Canadians and their achievement of their potential for development and growth of youths. Mass media usage has had the profound impact on the policies along with practices that look at the methods for development of youth. The media has been applicable for identity development for youth. The development are through the focus on core areas that comprises of monitoring health of youths, education professionals, policy-makers, caregivers, and advocating for different legislations and policies that improve the health status of youths. The use of mass media has led to improved research and policy recommendations to the development of community and building of different resources that touches the life of every youth in Canada. Media usage helps youth to establish the sense of self, teens that come with various roles, behaviors, and activities (Negriff et al., 2014). Usage of mass media in youth development remains to be essential process information of substantial identity together with developing the sense of direction through life experiences. Therefore, this paper examines sociological aspects of mass media in influencing the character development of youth within the IHDCYH in Canada.
Roles of the Mass Media in IHDCYH
There is no doubt concerning the development of youths in Canada that has increasingly changed because of the use of mass media. Media usage forms the vital part of every conduct that relates to the development of youths (Walters, 2016). It allows every youth in IHDCYH to understand the full information essential for responsible development. Different mass media that IHDCYH institution use relies majorly on the mode of communication to youths while teaching them on how to live a responsible life. The success of the youth development is wholly dependent on how methods of mass media used in teaching youths. IHDCYH in recent times uses mass media as a way of keeping their targeted and esteem clients such as children and youths to remain informed about several types of services that they offer in dealing with development of children and youths. According to Sallee & Dewitt (2014), presently the most powerful catalysts for the development of youth culture in Canada are the mass media usage. Mass media is primarily accountable for determining the utilization model of teens that include their dressing skills, political involvement, leisure activities, and mailing. Media also influence the development of young people regarding criminal behavior and even religion activities. However, mass media does not make the development of youths to be on the right track, but youths are victims of media consumptions. Therefore, youth are the most complicated uses of the media image of the most institution within the Canada. Most investigations have shown that the modernizing that influences the development of youth results from the press than from the colleague as well as the learning institutions.
Mass media like newspaper, radio, and television are the primary basis of Canadian Youth’s facts concerning social matters in IHDCYH. They involve some indications that mass media usage assists in shaping certain extent behavior and values identities of youths (Ohannessian et al., 2014). Mass media is a valid consideration that determines the diminishing role played by parents of youths in the arrival of overseas passage and the growing admission of relatives in the workplaces. Therefore, media among peer group becomes the substitute to parental ideas of socialization. However, mass media aids in the creation of the option authority system competing with the customary influence that presents identities of youths by encouraging them to attend religion and school activities.
In the IHDCYH in Canada, applications of mass media provide the online podium to setting up cultural associations among youth who share joint activities as well as interests. Nearly all media platforms allow youths who are Internet users to contribute to their interests, opinions, personal activities, with events surrounding their personal connections. In the early days during the establishment of the IHDCYH in Canada, applications of public media led to the transformation in communication together with networking segment of youth. The surfacing of mass media among youth in Canadian society over the last ten years has influenced the interaction of youths in the communities with their peers. It also affects the approach youths use to access the wealth of data that border people and their communities. Application of mass media platforms in identifies the development of youths is useful because media has become second nature among youths presently (Rudi & Dworkin, 2014). Therefore, advancement in the press network in the society has become the essential tool for online communication in identifying development among youths in Canada.
Canadian Youth Culture in development of identities
The IHDCYH in Canada has entered into the new period known as late modernity due to important global processes. The social condition has ushered to improve character development among youths in Canada by engaging in new cultural sensibilities along with practices. Cultural logic brought about by use of media have enabled the youths to understand distinction amid depleted and soaring art, the commemoration of consumerism together with principles of consumerism, the accomplishment of a collagelike disordered grouping of various items, integration of styles without overarching consistency, as well as the significance of signs as possessions. According to Walyters (2016), mass media in the IHDCYH in Canada has led to the common state of automatic modernism and advent of cyber society among youths. Mass media applications encourage the culture of youthful solidarity to become virtual rather than intimate and personal lives. Mass media usage in IHDCYH has assisted in transforming youth culture in identities of culture values b...
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