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Human Trafficking In France. Social Sciences Essay

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What is the position you are arguing for? Outline Argument 1 Assertion Reasoning Evidence Outline Argument 2 Assertion Reasoning Evidence need 4 sources and data collection has to be 4 page double-spaced.

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Human Trafficking In France
 Human Trafficking In France
Human trafficking is associated with the trade of people within and outside country’s borders for the purpose of exploitation, including prostitution, sex trafficking and working in low wage jobs in slavery like conditions. The most vulnerable people are trafficked including children below 18 being traded to France and other parts of the world that are at times forced to work as child sex workers, beggars and perform dangerous work. The United Nations (U.N) and the French laws highlight the need to tackle human trafficking where exploitation is present and there is use of coercive, fraudulent or forceful behavior (United States Department of State, 2017). Recently, human trafficking has increased through migration, where even vetting the economic immigrants from the refuges is difficult more than ever.  Human trafficking should be banned and law enforcement agencies and personnel work together to combat human trafficking.
Argument 1
At every stage of their journeys, the immigrants without proper documentation are at risk of further exploitation from the human traffickers and even local people as they live in countries where they have no official status means that it is difficult for them to contact and talk to the law enforcement agent. In an attempt to reach France, the trafficked persons go through dangerous journeys as they rarely have all the required documentation to be in the country, and rarely have the money to use the formal traveling route. It is most likely that official records underestimate the extent of the problem, when many of the trafficked victims use different rotes and have no official documentation of who they are come from. It is challenging to collect relevant and updated data on human trafficking, yet thousands are still finding their ways into France, some with the hope of reaching Britain.
One of the dilemmas that the victims face is whether to cooperate and interact with the law enforcement agencies.  In some cases, identifying the victims depends on whether the trafficked persons are willing to cooperate and where possible provide information about the human traffickers and pimps. However, the French authorities ought to identify all the trafficking victims, even when some are reluctant to come forward or help the authorities. In the case of children assistance and safer place to live, may be necessary at a time when human traffickers target vulnerable children. The traffickers not only facilitate the process, but also thrive when there are huge number of victims as this brings in more money.  The criminal human smugglers do not care about the welfare of the victims, that they are also involved in document forgery and if the victims of human trafficking are caught by law enforcement agents they may not be able to identify the most vulnerable.The United States Department of State (2017) reported that France was able to identify 1,118 sex trafficking victims in 2016, an increase from 712 in 2015).  If human trafficking victims can assist authorities with the investigations, it is more likely that the human trafficking kingpins will be apprehended. Human trafficking is transnational, but the victims are often afraid of being deported that the authorities have no accurate numbers on the problem of human trafficking. 
Origin Sex Trafficking Victims Identified in 2016
France 323
China 202
Nigeria 114
 Romania 104
Other nationalities 375
Total 1,118
Coordinated response fr...
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