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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
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Essay Instructions:

1. The main reason that people worry about whether we have free will is that they assume the following principle: A person can be responsible only for actions they perform freely. If this principle is true, then determinism implies that nobody is morally responsible for her actions. But is the principle true? Provide an argument for or against the principle, then explain two objections to your argument. Defend your argument against those objections. Please do not make it too fancy. I want it to be more creative with a strong argument My professor requested 1200 words

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“Free Will’ is the capability of rational agents to choose a course of action from various alternatives. Free will postulates that individuals are able to make choices out of their own free will. On the other hand, “Determinism” postulates that causal flaws govern everything in the universe. Many philosophers agree that an individual can only be responsible for the actions they perform freely. Nevertheless, the validity of this statement has been doubted by some. This paper provides an argument for this principle. The paper will also explain two objections to the argument and provide defenses against these objections.
Individuals may do as they wish without constraint or hindrance. This is the concept of free will. Therefore, it is possible for both necessity and freedom to coexist. In regards to this, the free will permits a belief both in the most complete causal explanations of human behavior and in the freedom of Individuals. As a matter of fact, when properly defined, the concept of free will may resolve plainly and agreeably the determinism-free will controversy for many individuals. Nevertheless, this might happen at the cost of ignoring the essence of the concept of free will because freedom is simply a measure a lack of opposition or constraint.
Justification of the freewill principle
The principle that individuals should be held responsible for actions they perform freely can be justified in line with Libertarians main arguments. In respect to Libertarians, every individual is free to make the choices they do or perform. Having the free will to perform an action means that an individual will only be responsible for the actions he performs out of his free will. Besides, moral responsibility entails that every human being has a choice to make, particularly between good and evil. Therefore, before making any choices, an individual must consider moral responsibility because it is a common notion that we have duties and thought over which we often feel rationally guilty for performing or failing to perform. Indeed, it is impossible that feelings of guilt can exist if individuals were not fundamentally or essentially free. Therefore, the existence of guilt is a fundamental proof that if an individual can experience or have a sense of quilt before performing a certain objective or cause, then it is true that individuals can be responsible of any actions they perform freely.
Determinism argues that human beings do not have moral responsibilities and moral choices and that every action is predetermined by individual’s physical cause. This implies that every human action is an event, which is determined and is not freely chosen. In respect to this, Determinists argue that most things are destined to occur. Nevertheless, human beings are not programmed to think in deterministic manner. Besides, human beings are not like other animals because they are capable of making their own rational decision; therefore, an individual have a choice to not only to ask about what choices they do, but also to determine what reasons will cause their actions. When an individual considers how to behave, he first considers the reasons for his potential behavior tandem with the possible cause and effect. In regards to this, it is right to argue that human being can only be responsible for those actions they perform freely. This implies that, in most cases, an individual will o...
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