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Philosophy of Technology: The Daily Me

Essay Instructions:

Deadline: Sunday, May 2, 2021 by 10:00 pm. Let your instructor know if you run into problems.

Directions: Answer the question below. Word limit: no more than 1200 words.

In #Republic, Cass Sunstein discusses the “Daily Me.” What is the Daily Me? Discuss how social media platforms and their users create an internet experience that resembles the Daily Me. According to Sunstein, does the Daily Me (or our current approximation of it) increase or decrease the quality of our lives as members of democratic societies? What, for Sunstein, are the main positives and negatives of the Daily Me? A good response here will include a discussion of Sunstein’s concern that the Daily Me creates “echo chambers” that are bad for democracy.

In addition, develop a careful, well-reasoned argument about what you think are the (a) biggest positive and (b) biggest negative of the Daily Me. Think about how the Daily Me affects the ability of members of democratic societies to lead good lives together. Do today’s social media leave people trapped in echo chambers, as Sunstein suggests? Why or why not?

No Outside Research: Use the readings and video lectures from this module to complete the assignment. Provide page references from the text where appropriate (there is no need for a bibliography). You may not conduct outside research (websites, books, interviews, etc.).

Remember: Cases of plagiarism will lead to failure in the course and be reported to the Dean of Students Office. If you cannot complete the assignment by the deadline, please contact your instructor.

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The Daily Me
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The Daily Me
What is the Daily Me? Discuss how social media platforms and their users create an internet experience that resembles the Daily Me.
Daily Me is an experience that could allow the users their communication package, with each part of the package selected in advance. It could focus on a specific topic that the user prefers, such as sports or romance stories. With the daily me, each user determines and controls what they want to see in the newspaper. In as much as the 'Daily Me' dream is not here yet, many social media applications that people use in society today have an experience similar to what Daily Me could be like. Through social media platforms like Facebook, people can see and hear what they want. The other social media platform that creates a similar experience to that of Daily Me is Twitter. This social media platform reflects an individual's preferred topic. The application can provide what an individual could like to see in various aspects such as politics and civil rights. Twitter allows individuals to include their issues of interest in the list of things there could want to see.
Daily Me also exists in today's social media platforms through the Artificial Intelligence used in Facebook and Goggle. With AI, the social media platforms learn about what an individual likes before even a person does. For instance, by knowing the type of music's personal preferences, the AI predicts movies and political candidates that one could be interested in, creating an experience close to Daily Me. Also, the AI can predict the kind of products an individual likes by looking at the websites a personal preferences.
Further, a social media platform like Facebook can know an individual's political stand by looking at the pages a person likes. Facebook shares individual preferences information with other people, including political leaders.
According to Sunstein, does the Daily Me (or our current approximation of it) increase or decrease the quality of our lives as members of democratic societies? What, for Sunstein, are the main positives and negatives of the Daily Me?
Daily Me has both positive and negative effects. Since receiving news on what they could like to see and hear, it is associated with many negative impacts. The negative consequences outweigh the positive effects in this case. Some of the positive effects of Daily Me, as discussed by Sunstein, include the ability to allow an individual to receive news according to their preferences. Also, the other positive thing is t...
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