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Boldness in the Story "Life in the Iron Mills"

Essay Instructions:

Read all of the information below before posting your response. This is a post-first forum, and you must post your response before gaining access to your classmates posts. Submitting a blank post may result in a reduction of your grade Post responses to both prompts. You must post on three different days to earn full credit for participation.

Post 1: You leamed the definition of the American Dream in this week's lecture. You also leamed about the American identity. Traits often associated with the American identity include boldness, confidence, perseverance, and integrity. These traits are often demonstrated through a character's words or actions. This week, we'll focus on boldness. How is boldness reflected in the characters of Rebecca Harding Davis's story? Choose two characters from "Life in the Iron Mills and explain how boldness applies to them in the story.


300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)

• Include two properly integrated and cited direct quotations (one related to each character) to support your claims. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week's activities for information about integrating and citing direct quotations

Posts 2 and 3: Respond to two different classmates. Do you agree with your classmate's perspective? Why or why not? Be specific.

What is the most convincing part of your classmate's post? Why?


150 words minimum for each post (excluding quotations and citations)

Include at least one direct quote from the story to support your ideas. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week's activities for information about integrating and citing direct quotations.





There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion on Boldness
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
June 10, 2023
I believe that boldness is a prominent trait associated with the American identity, and it can be observed in the characters of Rebecca Harding Davis's story, "Life in the Iron Mills." Upon reading the story, I realized that two characters who exemplify boldness are Hugh Wolfe and Deborah, his cousin.
On the one hand, Hugh Wolfe, an iron worker, demonstrates boldness through his rebellious nature and his refusal to conform to the oppressive conditions he faces. Despite his harsh living circumstances, Hugh possesses a fiery spirit that defies the constraints of his environment. He dares to dream beyond the confines of the iron mill, expressing his desire for a better life through his artistic talents despite life's difficulties. As the narrator vividly described, "a morbid, gloomy man, untaught, unled, left to feed his soul in grossness and crime, and hard...
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