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Religion in the News: Persecution of Christians

Essay Instructions:

Week 9 Assignment 2 - Religion in the News


Find a current news report about one religious group persecuting anotlier;Share the lik to it and do the followrng in 3--4 paragraphs:

  • Summarize the nature of the persecution including its actors and origins.
    • Do you feel the actions of the persecutors are consistent with their religion's tenets or practices? Support your assertion(s) with credible sources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards . For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Compare worldviews of religions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Religious persecution is unfortunately not uncommon in many parts of the world. It is where members of one religious group may discriminate against or even use violence against members of another religious group. It could be due to various factors, including belief differences, cultural or historical tensions, or political motivations. However, the persecution of Christians has been prevalent worldwide. Unfortunately, the persecution of Christians is a reality in various parts of the world. Christians face discrimination, harassment, and even violence due to religious beliefs. Therefore, some religions persecute others, and their actions may not reflect their religion’s teachings, views, and practices.
According to Zengarini (2023), there are over 360 million Christians who suffer from persecution in the world. The report states that North Korea has ranked first in the countries where Christians face persecution. North Korea is officially an atheist state, and the government discourages the practice of religion. The government controls almost all aspects of life in North Korea, including religious beliefs and practices. There are limited opportunities for religious expression in North Korea, and the government strictly controls and monitors religious activity. While the government does not officially recognize any religion, some North Koreans practice Buddhism, Shamanism, Confucianism, and Cheondoism. However, North Korea severely restricts the practice of Christianity. Christians caught practicing their faith can face severe punishment, including imprisonment, torture, and even execution. As a result, many Christians in North Korea are forced to practice their faith secretly or underground. Thus, in this country, Christians face imprisonment, torture, and even death because of their faith. Christians also face varying degrees of discrimination, including restrictions on religious freedom, lack of access to education and employment, and social exclusion.
Christians can be persecuted by various individuals, groups, and even governments. Persecution of Christians can be based on religious, cultural, social, or political factors. One typical perpetrator of Christian persecution is the non-Christian religious groups. Christians may face persecution from non-Christian religious groups that view Christianity as threatening their religion. The perpetrators may also come from extremist groups. Extremist groups promote violence, and terrorism may target Christians as part of their agenda. In addition, government officials may also be perpetrators. In some countries, government officials may persecute Christians by imposing laws and regulations restricting their religious fre...
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