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Philosophy: Ethics & Society

Essay Instructions:


The lengths for each answer will d But the total number of words should not exceed 1300 (including footnotes).

Footnotes should be used for citations only.

All you need to answer these questions are the texts and your note I discourage you from using any outside sources. But if you do, make sure to cite them.

Though you are free to discuss answers to these questions with your classmates, the written material must be your own and stated in your own words. Any suspected plagiarism will be submitted to the Academic Integrity Office.

Number and letter your answers.

Failure to follow all of these directions will result in a penalty.

How to Cite:

When citing an author, just quote the text, footnote it, and reference the author and the title of the piece you’re quoting from. For example:

1 Buchanan, Allen “Theories of Secession”, p.35

If the next citation uses the same source and but a different page, just write ‘ibid.’ followed by the new page number. So, for example, suppose in footnote 2, you again want to cite something Buchanan said in “Theories of Secession” – but this time, from p. 40. Because in footnote 1 you already cited the author and paper, you can just write:

2 ibid., p.40

If after this you cite a different author, do so in full (as in the example of footnote 1). If after that you once again cite Buchanan, you do so in full.

Test Questions:

Answer all questions.

1. Robert Fullinwider criticizes Judith Thomson’s principle that innocent, involuntary beneficiaries can bear compensatory duties. He does this by arguing that it yields counterintuitive results in his ‘Driveway’ example. A) Explain this example. B) Describe Daniel Butt’s strategy for defending that principle against Fullinwider’s criticisms. C) What relevance does this exchange have to the ethics of affirmative action?

2. A) Describe what George Hull calls the ‘Wrong People argument’ against affirmative action. B) Explain how the distinction he draws between compensation and rectification is supposed to address the Wrong People argument. In doing so, be sure to explain what compensation and rectification are.

3. One argument in favor of ‘open borders’ is that unrestricted immigration will typically yield a net benefit to the economy of the country accepting the immigrants. Chandran Kukathas (in his article ‘The Case for Open Borders') thinks that this argument is inadequate. A) Explain his reasoning. Kukathas admits that some will end up doing worse economically as a result of open borders. B) Why does he think this fails to provide a decisive reason against open borders? C) Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

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Institutional Affiliation
Course Code/Title
Philosophy: Ethics and Society
1 Compensatory Obligations.
Thompson starts by agreeing that the policies of reverse discrimination in hiring, impose costs to the white males, thus affecting them but she adds that this is not necessarily unjust.[Thompson, Judith., “ Preferential hiring”., p. 383]
a) As Robert criticizes a principal that is linked to Judith Thompson, he gave an example of a driveway. He says that when he was away, his neighbor decided to repair his driveway. The neighbor did all the plans and gave out the contract and paid. Unfortunately, Robert’s neighbor had an enemy who knew of the plans and decided to change the instructions guiding the contractor to repair the neighbor’s driveway and instead directed the contractor to repair Robert’s driveway. The contractor unaware of the changed instructions went ahead and repaired Robert’s driveway instead of that of the neighbor.[Daniel, Butt., “ Benefiting from Injustice”., p. 140]
b).To describe Daniel Butt’s strategy for defending Thompson’s principle against Fullinwider’s criticism, it is true to agree that Robert’s thinking on Thomson's principle did not receive a full nod from Butt who feels like Robert argument is grounded on what he terms as “confusion of how extensive the power of compensatory obligations that arise from injustice should be.”[Daniel, Butt., “ Benefiting from Injustice”., p. 140]
Butt supports his claim by giving a drive that compares the monetary benefits that may arise from the example of a driveway. He argues that it is true to say that he might not be willing to pay the cost of the driveway, say for instance at the normal rate of $500, but the fact remains that he has benefited from the repair, considering that he is happy with the new look of the driveway now than before. Butt then explains that if for instance, the contractor offered him a low-cost price of say $200, then, knowing that this is a sure economic discount from $500, then he would be happy to pay. With this noted, Butt then poses the question of how then would it be unreasonable, to pay a neighbor $200 when such injustice happens.[Ibid., p. 141]
c) Concerning the ethics of affirmative action, then Thompson’s idea would be successful if the situation of the white males in the affirmative action becomes better than it would have been if the past injustices never occurred. This explains the logic that there is the moral responsibility to bear the compensatory obligations to a level that one is comfortable depending on their valuation to ensure that those who suffer the injustice do not develop a conflict with beneficiaries who never participated in the injustice.[ibid., p.142]
2. Gorge Hull's Contributions on Affirmative Action.
Affirmative action is usually implemented as a way of making redress to people who suffered injustice in the past. This nature of offering justice in present for past injustice has made affirmative action and its proponents such as George Hull face several criticisms on the applicability of the same. According to George Hull, affirmative action faces three-pronged assault that he defends it against. One of these prongs is the ‘Wrong People’.
a) In describing what George Hull calls the ‘Wrong People argument’ against affirmative action we start by noting that George Hull explains that most people feel that affirmative action as per his definition, is just an inept way of offering redress for say, C-discrimination. From this, people argue that affirmative action is supposed to offer redress to the victims of C-discrimination. But according to Hull, people benefit differently with some benefiting m...
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