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People of Great Faith and Ways They Lived Through it

Essay Instructions:

St Francis, St Mother Theresa, St. Oscar Romero and Saint Therese of Lisieux were people of great faith. Yet each had their own unique and special ways of living that same faith. For each of these saints, write a summary of their life story and describe the uniqueness of the way that they lived the faith. Include at least one quote from each which illustrates their way of holiness.

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People of Great Faith and Ways They Lived Through it
Mother Theresa’s Francis of Assisi, St. Oscar Romero and Saint Therese of Lisieux were people of great faith, all who had their own and special ways of living the faith in which they fully believed in. Even though each one of them lived through different times, their unparalleled beliefs and ways of lives left an undeniable mark in humanity, and many years after their demise, they are firmly engraved in history, with a direct impact on humanity.
Born Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu in 1910, Mother Theresa was a Catholic nun who spent her entire life doing charity in various parts of the world, from Macedonia, Ireland to India, where she spent rest of life, before her demise in 1997. She was venerated by the Roman Catholic Church and lived her faith by doing missionary work and taking care of the sick and homeless. Her charity work begun in 1948 in a small community in Calcutta, India with a group of twelve volunteers, and by the time of her demise in 1997, she had expanded her mission to an international charity, where she operated over 500 missions in over 100 countries across the globe with thousands of volunteers. She was beatified on 19th October 2003 and later canonized on 4th September 2003, in the Vatican by Pope Francis. One of her famous quotes which have been frequently used among charitable organizations worldwide is,''We feel that we have just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not there, I think the ocean would be less by missing that drop.’’
St Francis was born in 1182, in Italy where he grew up to become a Catholic deacon and a preacher. He was passionate about nature and conservation of the environment, in which...
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