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Are we good enough for liberty? Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

This book review or essay is for Christian Business Ethics class and should consider both business ethics and some ethical contents of the Christian religion.

TNR 12pt, single-spaced, one-inch margin, paper size "letter", with name, course, and date.

No cover page. 2 pages.

Read pages 3-34 from the pdf version: Are We Good Enough for Liberty? (Attached to order)

Step 1: Summary: what does this reading say, who wrote it and in what context?

Step 2: Theme: why did the author write this, what is the central point/argument and what is he/she persuading us to believe or accept?

Step 3: Your opinion.

No additional citation other than the given material was needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Are We Good Enough For Liberty?
Institution Affiliation
Author’s Name
Lawrence Reed wrote the book “Are We good enough for Liberty?” The reading speaks mostly of character and its attachment to liberty. Character surpasses any material or intellectual thing someone might have. Reed gives lifetime experiences that show people had character, even in some of the hardest times. Character manifest not only when situations are conducive but in places where our behavior could be easily excused. In one context a school basketball ball team returns a trophy, after discovering one of the players was declared academically ineligible. The action by the coach and the entire team amazed people. It is not only in declaring the ineligibility of their teammate but in returning the trophy. The character stood out clearly. People esteemed them as champions despite forfeiting the trophy. A needy Cambodian man is set to give a package to a family and is offered to keep part of the package. The man’s character comes out in his decision to pay his train fare and offering the whole package to the needed family.
As the Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7” I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the Faith.” Reed (2013), states that character should manifest even in the event of imminent adversity. The context in which character manifests should not be an all rosy affair. Even when one is countered with personal need or fear of shame, the character should manifest. Reed describes the character as the desire deep within us that knows how to differentiate good from bad. The character seems to be the total of the individual choices that we make.
As much as Reed makes his message about the scriptural basis, the context for his message is an ordinary person’s life. Be it in the workplace, school, streets, the political arena, the choices that someone makes in his life dictates the form of outcome that defines their character. The wisdom in the scriptural references will make sense to a person of any faith and even a faithless person.
The reading’s main theme is a character and its connection to liberty. Reed (2013), describes the character as the sum of the choices we make. It is the power within us that makes a distinction between what is right and what is wrong in a situation. The character does not take place in the comfortable places. Rather, it takes place even when one is pushed into an uncomfortable situation. Character relates to liberty as it leads to the aspect of a person being governed. The ability to make the right choices will lead to less governance. In the life of a person of character, no matter is too small to make the best choice (Reed 2013). As the scripture records in Luke 16:10, unless one is faithful in small matters he will not be faithful in much. People of character always take responsibility for their actions. Reed states that one’s character manifests in every kind of relationship. For instance, someone who is a l...
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