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Beginning in the Biblical Stories

Essay Instructions:

Hi, I have uploaded a word document for you. If you open it, you will see 4 questions you need to answer. Just answer them directly, do not use and quote because this is an exam question. I have also uploaded all readings you need. Please do your best!

Dear writer, you should have 6 readings: the Epic of Gilgamesh, Midrash Rabbah on Genesis 22, Origen of Alexandria, Homily VIII on Genesis, the Hymn of the Pearl, the Gospel of Philip and Philo of Alexandria, On the Creation of the World. Please let me know you receive them all.

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Part 1
Question 1
In the epic of Gilgamesh, nature is significant to the culture of Mesopotamia. Nature describes the Enkidu and his illiterate ways before finding alliance with Gilgamesh. Enkidu is formed from soil, and the round survives in the desert waste. The whole body is unkempt and his head is like a woman’s rare in the third millennium. Death is a theme that reflects the relationship between nature and culture in the book. Death, a natural cause, is a sign relative to culture and the Epic. Death in the tradition of Mesopotamia shows a strange reflection that the earth is dark and risky and that all the lifeless souls appear to be stuck in the underground. The gods, which reflect the culture of Mesopotamia, are described to be the people controlling nature. There are myths and other cultural phenomena that determine how nature takes its course in the region. Most of Gilgamesh relates to taming the natural, which seems to contradict the cultural aspects and beliefs of the people.
Question 2
Genesis Rabbah assumes that Isaac's binding was a sign of Abraham preparing a place for his people. Genesis believes that the binding was an act of making a sacrifice to protect the world and prepare the best for his many children. Isaac was a symbol that everyone underneath the world would be assured of safety as he is sacrificed to be a shield to all the other people in the world believed to be Abraham's children. In the Origen of Alexandria, Isaac's binding is believed to be a sacrifice showing what fathers should represent in society. It implies that a father should be the guide and the light of their sons and prepare them for priestly ways of life. Isaac's entire preparation to be sacrificed is related to the preparations a father should make to his son before presenting them to God, showing them the Christian life, they are supposed to live.
Question 3
The gospel of Philips is a set of writings from the Christian Gnostic sacramental catechesis. It describes the importance of the sacramental rites of irritation, the sense of sacred names, and particularly the names of Jesus. It offers a paraenesis for life initiated. Th...
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