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IPIP-NEO Narrative Report

Essay Instructions:

When hiring employees, employers often assess applicants’ fit to a professional position by examining the applicants’ personalities. During interviews, interviewers often ask applicants to discuss their personality traits and provide support from their past behaviors that demonstrates their level of each trait discussed. Moreover, interviewers often expect applicants to be able to articulate their values and work-related motivators and discuss how these values and motivators have already influenced their performance. Consider you are applying for a job and your interviewer has your IPIP-NEO and DISC Plus results.

Consider your most dominant natural behavioral style from the DISC Plus, your strongest value from the DISC Plus, and 3 of your personality facets from the IPIP-NEO. For each of these 5 characteristics, please write a paragraph in which you discuss whether you agree or disagree with your results and why. The emphasis should be on the "why." Specifically:

begin by clearly stating your level of agreement with your results.

include detailed descriptions of behaviors in which you regularly engage that demonstrate your “true” level of that characteristic (regardless of whether the questionnaire revealed that “true” level or not). You should include at least 3 such descriptions, each description being at least 2 full sentences.

include a detailed description of a specific incident that illustrates how your behaviors reflect your “true” level of that characteristic. Your description of the specific incident should include the context of your behaviors and should address the following questions: Where were you? What was going on? What did you actually do? How would have most other people behaved in that context? The detailed description should be at least 5 full sentences.

Please note that I’m not asking you to report why you possess certain levels of these personality facets and other characteristics. For example, if you outscored 99% of the population in anxiety and you agree that you’re very anxious compared to other people, I don’t expect you to explain from where your anxiety stems, especially if doing so is uncomfortable. However, I do expect you to describe behaviors in which you engage that demonstrate you are more anxious than the vast majority of the population (e.g., you may regularly have to return home multiple times throughout the day to check that your front door is locked).

Please make sure you follow the formatting instructions mentioned in the syllabus.

Please make sure you have submitted your IPIP-NEO and DISC Plus results on Blackboard. If you have not submitted your results, I will not be able to compare your results to the content of your answers, and hence, you will receive a “0” on this assignment.

Please submit your response essay on Blackboard and in Dropbox.

Expected length: 1200 - 1600 words; 3 - 4 pages

Use 10 pt. Arial font and double-space your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

IPIP-NEO and DISC PLUS Results Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
IPIP-NEO and DISC PLUS Results Analysis
DISC is an easy, practical, as well as a universally applicable model that focuses on various external and observable behaviors and uses the scales of openness and directness to measure the intensity of four styles; namely, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious. I used the model to determine my most dominant behavioral style as well as my strongest values. The IPIP-NEO narrative report compares me with other ladies of traditional college age. The comparison is based...
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