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Dreams Psychology Essay Research Coursework Paper Term Paper

Essay Instructions:

Answer in essay form.

Answer in clear, pellucid prose.

Why are we interested in dreams? What are the uses of dreams, day dreams (fantasies), favorite books, movies and television shows in therapy?

How is transference used in therapy?What are the advantages and disadvantages of counter transference?(Hint: refer to the two types of counter transference discussed in class.)

We see that cbt gives written homework to the patient. How does this help? What is its purpose? Would the concept of homework apply to other therapies?

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Answer 1
Dreams refer to images or stories that are created by human minds when they are either asleep or awake. In some cases, they can be disturbing, bizarre, fun, entertaining, romantic, and frightening. People are interested in dreams since they help them to connect bits of information and get a full picture of a particular encounter or situation. Dreams, favorite books, television shows, movies, and day dreams are crucial in therapy since they help individuals remember their real character or personality. The primary role of therapists is to ensure that a person with a mental condition recovers to what he or she was before the problem. As such, by using dreams, favorite movies, books, or television shows enable affected people to remember who they were before a specific situation that might have changed their personality. In other words, individuals can relate dreams of favorite books to their real character or behavior. Dreams help people to learn more about their values, beliefs, behaviors, characters, or feelings. Symbols or images that usually appear in dreams or favorite books and movies have connections and meanings, which are unique for each person. For this reason, therapists understand that by using dreams, favorite books, television shows, or movies, they have an advantage of helping the affected individuals to remember things that had significant meanings in their lives. The way one person understands a book or dream is different from how another individual does it. That way, dreams are like encrypted codes that can only be decrypted by a specific person. Therapists who manage to influence their clients by using dreams have higher chances of helping them to recover. People look for important information in their dreams and try to make sense by linking that data, which is associated to their behaviors and characters. Favorite books and movies help individuals to remember moments when they had fun, which makes them to appreciate life even when faced with challenges. Therefore, dreams, favorite movies, books, and television shows are a reminder of individuals’ characters and they are useful in helping people to remember good things about themselves. Without these things life would be very boring. Therapists use dreams to trigger people’s unconscious mind and enable it to see the reality. As such, individuals manage to reflect on their lives and are willing to commit to therapy sessions so that they can become normal again and lead their lives without problems. Moreover, dreams and favorite movies enable therapists to understand their clients better, which is crucial in helping them to overcome their difficult conditions. Dreams, favorite books, television shows, and movies are important to helping individuals with mental problems to recover quickly. Consequently, therapists should use these things to help their patients remember good things that happened in their lives and which can trigger a turning point to a better life.
Answer 2
Transference occurs when a patient attaches adoration, love, hostility, anger, or other feelings to their therapists. Therapists are aware that this situation can happen and try so much to avoid it. When transference occurs it can make a patient to hate or get attracted to their doctor, which is not professional. During therapy sessions, transference is advantageous since it enables the client to relax. For example, some patients are hostile and they do not want to see their doctors even if they understand that it is the best way they can get well. If transference occurs in such patients, it means that they listen to their therapists and at some point become willing to share relevant information or encounter that help their doctors to understand what they are going through in their lives. In therapy without talking to the therapist, the patient cannot get healed quickly. Moreover, another advantage of ...
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