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Energy and Environment Policy Proposals

Essay Instructions:


I need a draft within 48 hours to see the quality of the essay. Please FOLLOW the instructions below and the writer MUST BE EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGABLE in Canadian Environmental/Climate Policy and Politics. If the writer is not sure about anything feel free to message me directly.

- The citation style should be IEEE.

The task is to compare and contrast the energy and environment policy proposals of two of the four major political parties (Conservatives, Liberals, NDP or Green). You should explain which you believe to be the better policy package and why. There should be a table with bullet points which will describe/contrast the policies taken by each government. Then you have to say which party is better and provide details that based on what criteria you chose that party. 

Expectations: You should

- Clearly (and fairly) describe what you consider to be the energy and environment policies of two major parties.

- Clarify the criteria by which you will be assessing them (i.e. what is ‘good’ policy).

- Assess strengths and weaknesses of these positions, and identify which you consider to be better, based on that criteria.

- Cite primary sources (party platforms, statements by party leaders).

- Cite secondary sources (assessments / analyses of positions by others), demonstrating an ability to determine what constitutes a good secondary source (e.g. on-line comment boards generally don’t provide the most thoughtful critiques).

Useful places to begin:

The websites of the political parties.

Statements by leaders during debates (e.g. the debates hosted by Macleans Magazine and The Globe and Mail).

Media commentary (e.g. Globe and Mail, Macleans Magazine, Toronto Star, National Observer).

Think tanks (e.g. C.D. Howe Institute, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives).

Environmental groups and industry associations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparing and contrasting energy and environment policy proposals of Liberal and NDP political parties
Course title:
Comparing and contrasting energy and environment policy proposals of Liberal and NDP political parties
Energy and environment are significant issues in Canada today and political leaders are keen not to overlook these issues considering the coming elections. In this paper, the energy and environment policy proposals of two of the 4 main political parties in Canada are compared and contrasted. The 2 identified political parties are the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party (NDP).
NDP Policy ProposalThe Liberals Policy Proposal1Establish a cap-and-trade system with a market price on the emissions of carbon.Put a price on carbon pollution which would allow every province across Canada to design its own policies on carbon pricing2Redirect 1 billion Canadian dollars annually from subsidies of fossil fuel to investment in the sector of clean energy Collaborate with territories and provinces throughout Canada to formulate targets on countrywide emissions-reduction 3Work with provinces across Canada to establish a new fund to assist the people of Canada retrofit their offices and homes to save money as well as energy. Develop a cap and trade system and auction the emission credits and redistribute the proceeds regionally. 4Restore monetary inducements for renewable energy, including biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind, and tidal for the production of electrical energy.Invest millions of Canadian dollars in renewable energy technologies and improve tax measures so as to create more employment opportunities in the sector of green energy (Leblanc & Woo, 2015).5By the year 2025, decrease the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 34% below 1990 levelsRemove subsidies for the fossil fuel sector6Expand Canada’s Marine Protected Areas so that representative areas are protected. Increase the amount of the country’s protected coastal and marine regions to 5% by the year 2017 and to 10% by the year 2020 (Fekete, MacLeod & Berthiaume, 2015).
Strengths and weaknesses of the Liberals
Strengths: The Liberal proposal of establishing a cap and trade system is essential. The Liberals also support the proposal of auctioning the greenhouse gas emissions credits and then redistribute the proceeds (Equiterre, 2011). The proposed lasting commitment to a program that supports clean energy through home retrofits is something that various environmental organizations throughout Canada have demanded. As such, it is encouraging that the Liberals will indefinitely increase support as well as financing for this renewable energy incentive. The Liberal’s goal of quadrupling the production of clean energy is also encouraging. Even though it will necessitate considerable investment, the program is important in supporting the development of renewable energy in Canada (Mandel, 2015).
A Liberal government would seek to expand Canada’s maritime protected zones network and make sure that this network includes a more effectual approach to marine management (Liberals, 2015). With regard to decreasing toxic pollution, a Liberal government would discontinue the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance. The Liberals would allocate these anticipated government revenue for 2 reasons: improved or new inducements for industry investments in novel technologies which would reduce the release of greenhouse gases plus other environmental impacts of oil sands development. Secondly, Liberals would invest in monitoring and scientific research on ecological effects of the development of oil sands (Environmental Defence Canada, 2011).
Weakness: A major weakness of the Liberals’ policy proposal is that unlike NDP, they have not specified their targets for Canada’s emissions of greenhouse gases. In his speech, Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberals, noted that if he becomes Prime Minister, he would “partner with each province to establish a pan-Canadian framework for addressing climate change” (Environmental Defence Canada, 2011). Therefore, the position of the Liberals regarding climate change action is actually less definitive than the position of the NDP leaders.
Strengths and weaknesses of NDP
Strengths: Thomas Mulcair, the leader of NDP who hopes to be the twenty-third prime minister of Canada, pointed out that he will remove and replace the existing system for evaluating oil pipelines which were established by the Conservative government (Prystupa, 2015). The New Democratic Party’s environmental assessment process would include analysing the production of greenhouse gases and analysing what Canada needs to do so as to attain its international responsibilities as well as the goals (Prystupa, 2015). Furthermore, t...
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