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Project selection Management Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

Determination of which project is to be undertaken first, along with a summary of why the project was chosen, including an explanation of the relationship between the project and the organization’s mission, vision, and objectives. Do not go over 350 words because this is a CLC and everyone has to do their part.

I only need the highlight portion done.


This is a CLC assignment. 

Your instructor will assign you to a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) team. Submit your project proposal completed for Module 1 to your CLC team for review.

Work with your CLC team to evaluate the project proposals submitted by your team members. Refer to "The Retail Store" information sheet and figure 2.6 in chapter 2 of your textbook (an explanation of how to use this figure precedes it) for the additional information needed to complete a priority analysis.

Use the completed priority analysis, your organization background information, and your knowledge thus far gained in project management to collectively prioritize the projects and decide which project is to be undertaken first.

Your CLC team should submit the following:

  1. A completed priority analysis
  2. Determination of which project is to be undertaken first, along with a summary of why the project was chosen, including an explanation of the relationship between the project and the organization’s mission, vision, and objectives

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Selection
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Project Selection
Among the five projects, it would be ideal to begin with project Nickie since it meets most of the objectives. The success of a project depends on its ability to meet the set objectives. In the case where a project cannot meet the set objectives, it becomes challenging to complete. The project development team has to come up with new strategies for the project to become successful. However, it is best to pursue a project that will meet the initially set objectives.
When developing a project, the responsible party has to come up with objectives that the project should meet. In the five projects, there are various objectives that every project must meet for it to be executed. One of the objectives is that the projects ought to adhere to social corporate responsibility objectives. Project Nickie has the highest...
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