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The “Real” Story Is Or Problem The Organization Is Facing

Essay Instructions:

Please answer all questions thoroughly as related to the readings. DO NOY remove the questions or the numbers. Thanks. DO NOT USE APA.



Related Readings

Colquitt, A. L. (Oct. 2013). Reflections on the State of I-O Research and Practice: Lessons Learned From Performance Management. TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. 51(2), 37-44.

Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry. Retrieved from http://www(dot)sagepub(dot)com/upm-data/13421_Chapter4.pdf (see page 57-62).

How to Use Great Storytelling to Build Your Consulting Business. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=mvk2DVrAGr4

Wheals, J. & Petch, M. (2013).  A fresh look at consulting and collaboration. . International Journal of Market Research, 55(2), 320-322. Retrieved from ProQuest Central in the Touro Library.


Research and data gathering is critical to the consultant’s success. This information leads the consultant to a discovery of the organization. Explain how the consultant is able to diagnosis the organization using the information gathered. In your opinion, how would the consultant know if this is the right diagnosis?


Stories are gathered using interviews from key stakeholders to determine what the “real” story is or problem the organization is facing. Stories create the picture for others to better understand the world they live in. Another term used is phenomenology. What does this mean and how do we use this in our research.


Related readings

Exton, W. Jr. (1982). Ethical and Moral Considerations and the Principle of Excellence in Management Consulting. Journal of Business Ethics, 1(000003), 211.  Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library.

Meyers, C. (2004). Institutional culture and individual behavior: Creating an ethical environment. Science and Engineering Ethics10(2), 269-276. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library.

Newell, A. (2006). Personal and Professional Issues in Private Consulting. The Public Historian,28(1), 107-110. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library. 


Consulting Ethics (Part 1). Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=vI7UKB5tAUA


As a consultant, one of the ethical issues you will face is pricing. What is the correct price to charge your client? We all struggle with this, especially in a global setting. In a third world country how would you determine your pricing or what is fair?


Global consultants can face many unethical issues. Ethical issues may be facing with a bribe, or experiencing an organization that is considered a “sweat shop”, or wages where an employee is paid less than $1.00 a day. How would you manage these types of ethical issues as a consultant?


Related Readings

Bing, J, W. (2004). Hofstede's Consequences: The Impact of His Work on Consulting and Business Practices.  The Academy of Management Executive18.1 : 80-87. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database in the Touro library.

Javidan, M.; House, R. J; Dorfman, P. W & Hanges, P. J; Sully de L, M. (2006). Conceptualizing and measuring cultures and their consequences: A comparative review of GLOBE's and Hofstede's approaches. Journal of International Business Studies,37(6), 897-914. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro library.

Payton, S. (2010). SO FAR, SO GOOD?  Financial Management (14719185), 12-16. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database in the Touro Library.



Cross-Cultural Training and Consulting. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=wxhWNVJ9NPg

Consulting a Digital World. Retrieved from http://video(dot)ft(dot)com/2654502302001/Consulting-a-digital-world/Companies


As a U.S. consultant, you are asked to perform a consulting assignment at the India operation. While in India what would be some of the consulting challenges you would face with India culture. (Use Hofstede’s dimensions-research is needed to find this out).


Technology is a critical success factor as a global consultant. Most of your work will use email. In other words, you will be doing some of your work in a virtual environment. When communicating using email and being in a virtual environment what considerations should you take as a consultant to be effective?


Related readings

Capaldi, N. (2012). Business and the Common Good [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=plDF-T8mFZ4 (14:02)


Schmitt, E. (1989). Creating New Habits For the Common Good: Changing Habits for the Public Good. New York Times  [New York, N.Y] 27 Apr 1989: B1. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro library.



Growth and Future of the Consulting Industry. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=RkOFL2DyjYM


From your research, what is the future of consulting in a global environment?


Using reflection, what areas of consulting do you feel are the most difficult to manage? Explain your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Please answer all questions thoroughly as related to the readings. DO NOY remove the questions or the numbers. Thanks. DO NOT USE APA.
Related Readings
Colquitt, A. L. (Oct. 2013). Reflections on the State of I-O Research and Practice: Lessons Learned From Performance Management. TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. 51(2), 37-44.
Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry. Retrieved from /upm-data/13421_Chapter4.pdf (see page 57-62).
How to Use Great Storytelling to Build Your Consulting Business. Retrieved from /watch?v=mvk2DVrAGr4
Wheals, J. & Petch, M. (2013).  A fresh look at consulting and collaboration. . International Journal of Market Research, 55(2), 320-322. Retrieved from ProQuest Central in the Touro Library.
Research and data gathering is critical to the consultant’s success. This information leads the consultant to a discovery of the organization. Explain how the consultant is able to diagnosis the organization using the information gathered. In your opinion, how would the consultant know if this is the right diagnosis?
As a consultant, it is always advisable to ensure that the correct diagnosis is made and it is the most appropriate for the problem. This is to come up with the best possible solutions. Knowing the correct diagnosis is quite tricky, but a consultant can detect it through the results that they collect. The results collected will tell whether the correct diagnosis was made. Before solving the problem can begin, there is the test-run to see if the solution will be effective. It is during the test-run (which is usually a small test to check whether the solution will solve the problem) that a consultant can check to see. Extensive research can also indicate whether the correct diagnosis was made (Kamler, Estelle).
Stories are gathered using interviews from key stakeholders to determine what the “real” story is or problem the organization is facing. Stories create the picture for others to better understand the world they live in. Another term used is phenomenology. What does this mean and how do we use this in our research.
A phenomenology is an approach that puts more concentration on consciousness and the objects associated with the direct experience. In research, it is important because it gives the researcher an understanding of how the subject feels about the topic (Keiling, Tobias). Phenomenology can use by the consultant to determines what is going on in an organization as it is the story that the employees will be talking about and who knows better than the workers? It is also essential to understand that sometimes the phenomenology may just be a story or perception and may not necessarily be accurate.
Related readings
Exton, W. Jr. (1982). Ethical and Moral Considerations and the Principle of Excellence in Management Consulting. Journal of Business Ethics, 1(000003), 211.  Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library.
Meyers, C. (2004). Institutional culture and individual behavior: Creating an ethical environment. Science and Engineering Ethics10(2), 269-276. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library.
Newell, A. (2006). Personal and Professional Issues in Private Consulting. The Public Historian,28(1), 107-110. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database in the Touro Library. 
Consulting Ethics (Part 1). Retrieved from /watch?v=vI7UKB5tAUA
As a consultant, one of the ethical issues you will face is pricing. What is the correct price to charge your client? We all struggle with this, especially in a global setting. In a third world country how would you determine your pricing or what is fair?
Arguably pricing has become a debatable topic in the field of consultancy whereby some consultants have been accused of overcharging their clients. The situation becomes even more confusing when dealing with an organization based in a third world country. When facing such a situation, it is imperative to look at the financial situation of the place and the amount of work to be done. It can be beneficial to charge them the current price in that particular country. If the local companies are charging a low price, do not exaggerate it just add personal expenses on top of what they are charging.
Global consultants can face many unethical issues. Ethical issues may be facing with a bribe, or experiencing an organization that is considered a “sweat shop”, or wages where an employee is paid less than $1.00 a day. How would you manage these types of ethical issues as a consultant?
Many organizations in the world today are more focused on raising profits without caring about the working conditions of the employees. In some cases, a bribe may be offered to ignore certain abnormality in the organization. Some organizations are even paying their workers less than one dollar a day which is below the global minimum wage. I would report the cases to the relevant authority and turn down the opportunity to...
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