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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Writing Experiences

Essay Instructions:

Purpose (for students): To reflect on your writing experiences during your time so far, to look for connections across these experiences, and to think about how they may be relevant to your future.

Purpose (for program): To learn about students’ writing experiences in WR courses and how they connect beyond the WP; to gauge the impact of and relevance the writing curriculum as part of an undergraduate experience.

Tasks: In an essay of about 300-750 words, look back over the materials you collected in your portfolio and make some connections:

How have the kinds of literacy you brought with you to __ come into play in WR classes?

What disconnections remain?

What common threads run through your WR experiences?

Has writing helped you connect with other people or communities (academic and/or non-academic)?

What aspects of your WR experience do you expect to carry with you and draw on in the future?


● You don’t need to answer every question separately or in order. Focus on what seems most important to you.

● You are writing this essay first and foremost for yourself, to synthesize what you've learned and to better understand yourself as a writer and communicator. But you should also make sure your ideas are accessible by providing enough context for readers like your current writing instructor and others who teach WR classes.

● Be sure to cite concrete examples from your portfolio, including quotes from your literacy narrative, your reflections, and the polished writing you chose to feature.

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Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Academic journeys are usually marred with challenges that ultimately define the progress one has made. In my case, I undertook the writing and rhetoric classes at Boston University, and it has been an exciting and instrumental journey in my academic performance. It has helped shape my writing skills, eliminated my fear of writing, and improved my research skills, which I hold dear in my academic journey. My courses included personal reflections, academic assignments dealing with different experimental facets, and other writing aspects that have profoundly influenced my writing and rhetoric classes. I realized my weaknesses and writing strengths by undertaking the courses and assignments.

Before undertaking the classes, I held literacy skills based on different academic conventions, skills in critical thinking, and narratives. I knew that academic processes involve only undertaking research and writing answers to questions. The literacy knowledge that I held was instrumental in helping me navigate through the writing and rhetoric classes because I was able to gain appropriate confidence on how to organize my work, think coherently about different 

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