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Speech of Thomas Jefferson: Overview and Delivery

Essay Instructions:


a. Paragraph one—you will provide a brief overview of the event. Please include the day/date of the event, the location, the approximate audience size (if any), the name of the speaker, and the way in which you saw the event (live, live virtual, recorded)

b. Paragraphs two and three—you will address any two of the following issues in your discussion. Your comments and observations should be specific and detailed.

(1) the speaker’s organization

(2) the speaker’s verbal delivery

(3) the speaker’s use of presentation aids

(4) the speaker’s credibility

Please make sure you identify the issue you will be discussing at the beginning of each of these two paragraphs. Please include specific examples from the presentation to support your observations.

c. Paragraph four—make any overall assessments, observations, and/or conclusions about this event and about this speaker. What did you learn from this event? Was it worth your time to attend?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Field Trip
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The event was a talk delivered by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. The discussion was held in The Savanah College of Art and Design in Georgia on March 6, 1817. Jefferson was addressing a large audience based on the response when he engaged them. Unfortunately, the cameras do not focus on the audience, making it hard to estimate their number. In addition, I watched the session on YouTube, further making it challenging to estimate the size of the audience in attendance. The former president, Jefferson, was giving a speech about the art of the mind, which addressed evolution in contemporary life. He based more of the scenarios on his life experiences.
The speech's verbal delivery was excellent. The speaker's tone, audience involvement, humor, and stage utilization boosts verbal delivery because it increases confidence (Gillis, & Nilsen, 2017). Jefferson was audible, making the audience to grasps the content of his speech without struggle. Speaker's audibility also enhanced the tone, which was high and steady throughout the session. The speaker's tactic to involve the audience made the verbal delivery excellent. At the beginning of the speech, Jefferson asks an audience member to show her courtesy (00:05:50). That was a significant strategy to boost the verbal delivery, which does not work well without non-verbal cues and practicals. He used humor on several occasions throughout the session. For instance, Jefferson humorously explains how a man was expected to "put his best foot forward" as a form of greeting during his teenage years (00:05:23). Besides intonation, humor, and audience involvement, Jefferson utilizes the stage well. He moves from end to end to avoid bias which could negatively affect his speech delivery. Maintaining one posit...
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