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Ukrainian Migrant in Australia

Essay Instructions:
Writer lay this out question/answer format , everything must be written very academically ! Week 11. Tutorial. The immigrant experience in Australia This question should be at least half a page you can set it out as one paragraph or question and answer format. Please use one of the recommended readings as my teacher prefers that . (Entry ticket required to this tutorial!) Read from one of the items of creative literature or biography below. Take a record of the insights that the 101556 - Geographies of Social Difference - Spring 2010 - LEARNING GUIDE Page 11 material provides to the immigrant settlement experience in Australia [You may find and use material alternative to that which is listed below. That is fine, but make sure you take a full and proper bibliographic record]. Consult a piece of literature or biography regarding immigrants who are of an ethnic background that is not your own. Questions 1. What was the creative literature source you read? Which migrant group(s) did it involve? 2. What was it like to have been a migrant to Australia from the perspective of the source you consulted? 3. To what degree were migrants able to maintain their culture, and to what degree did they feel the pressure to assimilate to Anglo-Celtic culture? 4. What were the key forms and spaces of cultural maintenance? E.g. places of worship (space); religion (form) 5. What were the central problems faced by these groups (economic disadvantage, senses of belonging, parent/child disputes, racism, etc)? 6. How do these experiences compare and contrast to experiences of your own, your family or friends you know? Readings There is likely to be some pressure on the library's holdings for these materials around weeks 7, 8 and 9. An alternative would be to consult elsewhere, you should have little difficulty obtaining these or other readings from your local libraries. If you do not have access to a municipal library then you should obtain (or request) and digest a UWS reading well in advance of the tutorial. Baggio, RA 1989, The shoe in my cheese: an immigrant family experience, Humanities Department, Footscray Institute of Technology, Footscray. Bonutto, O 1963, A migrant's story, H Pole, Brisbane. [or see the 1994 update edition] Chub, D 1980, So this is Australia: the adventures of a Ukrainian migrant in Australia, Bayda Books, Doncaster. Deen, H 1995, Caravanserai: journey among Australian Muslims, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards. Donnelly, P 2000, Migrant journeys, or, "What the hell have we done?", Ariel Printing, Ridleyton. Gaita R 2007, Romulus, my father, Text Publishing Co., Melbourne. Gunew, S 1982, Displacements: migrant story-tellers, Deakin University, Open Campus Program, School of Humanities. Henderson, A 1993, From all corners: six migrant stories, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards. Kahan-Guidi, AM & Weiss, E (eds) 1989, Give me strength, Italian Australian women speak = Forza e coraggio: A bilingual collection, Women's Redress Press, Broadway, N.S.W. Kastamonitis, S 1987, The endless journey of Stefanos Kastamonitis: from the diaries of a migrant, Elikia Books, Box Hill. Korzelinski, S 1994, Life on the goldfields: memoirs of a Polish migrant: 1850's in Victoria, Mentone Educational Centre, Carnegie. Kraus, P 1985, The not so fabulous fifties: images of a migrant childhood, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst. Lloyd, B 2001, Here and there: eight stories of migrants to Tasmania, Migrant Resource Centre, Hobart. Marchetta, Melina (2000) Looking for Alibrandi, Penguin, Ringsood, Vic. McInerney, S 1992, The journeyman: a story of migrant life / woodcuts by Salvatore Zofrea, Picador, Sydney. Murphy, L 1997, Everyone needs cleaners eh!: stories from migrant women cleaners, Art in Working Life Committee of the Trades Labour Council of the ACT, Dickson. Nguyen, XT (ed.) 1986, Cuoc doi voi bong dang xua: life with past images, personal accounts by eight Vietnamese settlers in Australia, Phillip Institute of Technology, Victoria. Nickas, H 1992, Migrant daughters: the female voice in Greek-Australian prose fiction, Owl Pub, Melbourne. Safransky, R 1986, Caught in between: a migrant perspective, Parachute Press, Melbourne. Sgrò, GA c2000, Mediterranean son: memoirs of a Calabrian migrant, Scoprire il sud, Coburg. Skrzynecki, P 1982, The Polish immigrant: migrant poems (1972-82), Phoenix Publications, Brisbane. Strano, A 1986, Luck without joy: a portrayal of a migrant, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle. Triaca, M 1985, Amelia, a long journey, Greenhouse Publications, Richmond. CRITERION UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY GOOD VERY GOOD OUTSTANDING Critical, sophisticated argument that identifies & addresses key issues/ debates in the case study and literature. Likely to engage with relevant theoretical concepts. For this question it must be referenced in havard style. So can you do the referencing under the question ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey writer for these two questions it must be referenced in mla referencing. Tutorial Preparation Online Weekly Learning Journal: QUESTION: The speaker of Whitman's poems often describes his relationships with other men. How would you characterize these relationships? (Make sure your answer is based on specific evidence from the reading) at least 100 words can go 10 percent under or over. Everything must be in your own words, use quotes to back yourself if you can Tutorial Preparation Online Weekly Learning Journal: QUESTION: In The Hours, the section about Mrs. Brown contains a long passage describing her efforts to bake a cake. How does the cake function as a metaphor? (Make sure your answer is based on specific evidence from the reading).at least 100 words Can go 10 percent under or over. Use quotes to back yourself up if you can. This question must be referenced in apa style! Task 2: Think about a site/space of childhood (eg. McDonald's, Harry Potter book, childcare centre, shopping centre, park, game, backyard, street, tree house, etc). In sydney preferably. If you have chosen one to analyse for assignment 2 use this one. If you have not yet chosen one pick a site/space you are familiar with. Identify 2 dominant constructions you can see within the site/space and write about them (100-200 words) Examples of dominant constructions are: gendered child Innocent child. Iconic child Embryonic child Vulnerable child Examples of students work in my class: Subject: Disneyland Topic: On-line 5 Author: Kristy Nethercote Date: 9 October 2011 4:47 PM Disneyland parks are located all over the world and are a particularly famous site/space of childhood. Every advertisement for Disneyland has been very carefully socially constructed in order to convey to children and families that it is the ideal space for children. Disneyland has numerous dominant constructions, specifically characteristics of the innocent child and the cereal box family. We are familiar with Disney through our own childhood experiences and the emotions it evokes within us; so imagine a real life world where you can experience these emotions physically, its every child's dream. Disneyland truly is a world of magic and wonderland. Disneyland presents the child as an idyllic form of innocence. It presents a world of freedom and conveys to viewers the image of children as a pure form of happiness, like those on greeting cards. The construction of the ‘cereal box family' is definitely the most obvious associated with Disneyland. It reinforces the idea of the ‘perfect family' - father, mother and 2 children. Although primarily directed at children, Disneyland creates a world that is an appealing space for anyone and a place where dreams can come true for everyone. I personally visited Disneyland in California with my family when I was 17 and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Everything is so well thought out and I was so amazed at how magical a place could be. Disneyland is truly a space for childhood, it perceives to people how a world of Disney is perfect :) Reply Forward
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ukrainian Migrant in Australia
1 What was the creative literature source you read? Which migrant group(s) did it involve?
* For the purpose of this assignment I have read the book "So This Is Australia: the adventures of a Ukrainian migrant in Australia".
* The group which I have involved is Ukrainian migrant in Australia. Ukrainian migrant are from Ukrain the early migrants come for the purpose of exploration while others were settled there as refugees during world war II (Chub, 1980).
2 What was it like to have been a migrant to Australia from the perspective of the source you consulted?
* To be migrants to Australia the Ukrainian has a better integration with other communities as compared with migrants to other countries because they have not suffered much racism which would have disadvantaged them over the other communities. The migrants arrived there at 1860 and they were on a mission as explorer but they later settled there (Chub, 1980). Thereafter a large number of Ukrainian migrated as refugees as part of International refugee organization in 1948. While in 1954 the Ukrainian born in Australia were recorded to be 4,678 during a census which was done that year.
3 To what degree were migrants able to maintain their culture, and to what degree did they feel the pressure to assimilate to Anglo-Celtic culture?
* Ukrainian migrant in Australia have been able to maintain part of their culture because most of them live at the same place with Victoria recording the highest number of Ukrainian Migrant. For the migrants to be able to retain th...
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