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Questions Assignment

Essay Instructions:
1. Select two of the process steps and discuss how the process is done and why. Making a Selection and Checking References and Background Discuss the relative merits of internal versus external recruitment. Give an example of when each of these approaches might be appropriate. 2. List the jobs you have had. How were you recruited for each of these jobs? Secretary, Cashier, and clerk typist From your perspective what were the pro's and con's of each of your recruitment experiences? 3. Assume you are going to hire someone to fill your position. ( If you are not working pick a past job), a past job Secretary Develop 6-10 interview questions based on techniques you have selected and share the questions and discuss reason for technique selection. In a nondirective interview, the interviewer has great discretion in choosing questions. The candidate's reply tone question may suggest other questions to ask. Nondirective interviews typically include open-ended questions about the candidate's strengths, weakness, career goals, and work experience. Because these interviews give the interviewer wide latitude, their reliability is not great, and some interviewers ask questions that are not valid or even legal. 4. List the jobs you have had. How were you recruited for each of these jobs? Secretary, Cashier, and clerk typist From your perspective what were the pro's and con's of each of your recruitment experiences?
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(November 7, 2012)

Questions 1
Select two of the process steps and discuss how the process is done and why (Making a Selection and Checking References and Background).
Making a selection
Selection refers to the process of choosing the best out the pool of many candidates. The selection process consists of various steps and these steps ensure the incompetence is rejected. Steps involved in the selection includes: -application, preliminary interview, application blank, employment interview, medical examination, reference checks and finally final approval.
Selection process is part within the recruitment process. It is a very important process for the companies that know the values in production and performance when good hires are done and the costs incurred when bad hires are done. When selection process is done effectively then the product of the recruitment process will be excellent hence high productivity and better performance (Mathis & Jackson, 2012).
Checking references and background
Checking references are act that is intended to ensure better understanding of the candidates. This is done through getting opinions and comments about their abilities and experiences from colleagues they have worked with previously. The comments whether oral or written, should be aimed at checking the competence of the candidate towards the position in question. It also builds up a comprehensive picture of the candidate which they will use to validate or challenge conclusions that the search consultant and client, if were there, initially may have reached.
Background checks ensures there is accuracy in what the candidates have in their curriculum vitae. Data such as chronology and educational credentials are very useful. They ensure the candidate has never been involved in criminal or wrong civil activities which in one way or another would affect his performance in the position if given the opportunity. It is a broader term that checks the history of the candidate (Mathis & Jackson, 2012).
The merits of internal and external recruitments
Internal recruitment is where a company employs people within the organization; in breeding. The advantages of these of internal recruiting process is that it is cheaper to advertise; eliminates loss of time trying to look for people you are not aware in terms of their competence and character; people within the organization are aware of its culture, objectives, and mission; moreover, the organization has already established a history of the internal candidates hence nothing to worry about them. This approach is best when filling a sensitive position in an organization for instance, the chief security officer. Promoting someone works better has they know what areas are sensitive and crucial to be checked (Mathis & Jackson, 2012).
On the other hand, external recruitment is where a company employs people outside the organization. Is adv...
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