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Should Parents Hit Their Children For Their Misbehavior?

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I need write essay argumentative and make sure you clearly state both sides of the argument

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Should Parents Hit Their Children for Their Misbehavior?
Should Parents Hit Their Children for Their Misbehavior?
Children discipline is a significant aspect that helps prevent children misbehaviors in future. However, effective discipline assists children to learn how to control their behaviors as well as act accordingly. Bringing up a child with effective discipline also helps them to have the idea of differentiating between what is right and wrong. There have been arguments of whether parents should hit children for their misbehavior or not. Some people argue that children should be punished using painful methods to stop them from misbehaving whiles others argue that children should not be hit because it can cause them physical or even psychological problems. This essay discusses whether parents should hit their children for their misbehavior.
When bringing up a child, it is essential as a parent to identify the behavior development of the child for the few years of the child's life. Observing the children behavior development will help the parents understand behavior weaknesses from their children. However, it important for parents to hit their children for their misbehavior to enforce discipline. Nevertheless, parents should not hit their children with hard objects. To instill discipline, most of the parents should only lightly spank the children to help them mind their behaviors (Benjet and Kazdin, 2003). However, young children learn from their experience, therefore, when a child is once hit by the parent, the probability is that he/ she will not repeat the same mistake again. Furthermore, hitting children helps them understand that there are consequences for breaking rules. For instance, when a child learns that a failure to do his or her homework will result in a punishment from the teacher, then the child will always make a choice of doing the homework earlier. It is therefore important for parents to hit children to prepare them for the future (Benjet and Kazdin, 2003).
However, hitting children comes with positive and negative impacts. Some parents hit their children while in anger and this leaves a great impression. However, physical hit...
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