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Mind Walk: Characters in Process of Rediscovering Themselves

Essay Instructions:

Mindwalk (1990)

Characters: Jack Edwards (Sam Waterston; politician), Thomas Harriman (John Heard; poet), Sonia Hoffman (Liv Ullman; physicist), Kit (Sonia's daughter).

Film Available via YouTube: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Uec1CX-6A38

Write one to two introductory paragraphs that include your main take away from the film and make clear for the reader what you plan to do in the paper, i.e. what characters and sociological concepts you will draw on in your analysis of the film.

Write six to seven paragraphs that speak to the complexity of the characters and relate at least three major sociological perspectives and three characters in the film. Address any similarities and/or differences between the sociological perspectives and characters. Drawing from the film dialogue and your Witt textbook, discuss sociological concepts and problems that are of particular interest to sociologists. 

Write one concluding paragraph on the film. This should sum up your analysis and reinforce your points in the main body of your paper.

The paper should be typed, SINGLE spaced, no more than two pages (not including references), have 1 inch margins, 12 point times new roman font, in ASA format, and include page numbers and a header that consists of the date, course, and your name (no cover page). The paper must be your own work and submitted via Dropbox no later than Sunday, February 14 11:30PM.

The goal of the film paper is to demonstrate your understanding and analysis of sociological concepts. All papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. If you are a Mac user be sure your document converted properly to Word. PDF, Adobe, non-converted Mac files, etc. will NOT be accepted. Be sure to submit you paper prior to the deadline and plan ahead for technical issues. No late papers will be accepted! 

"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results" - Herman Melville

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mind Walk
Mind Walk
Mindwalk is a movie that highlights a conversation between Jack, Sonia, and Thomas in Mont-Saint-Michel church tower in France. Various sociological concepts exhibit in the film through the characters. The main idea of the film is to present the different perspectives in which problems can be viewed and considered. This paper analyzes what Sonia Hoffman, a radical physicist, Jack Edwards, a conservative politician, and Thomas Harriman, an expert poet, have in common when they discuss about holistic versus mechanical thinking, using different examples. The three main actors in this film are going through the journey of rediscovering themselves, having reached a crucial turning point in their lives. We will discover how the three actors met and how the two men are inspired by Sonia's idea of systems theory. Both Jack Edwards the politician and Thomas Harriman think Sonia’s idea can be applicable in their careers.
When Jack Edwards visits Thomas Harriman, who used to write his speeches in France after losing in the presidential primary election, the two spend the day at Mont-Ste-Michel an island off the coast of France. The two also meet an ex-physicist Sonia Hoffman, who had been living on the island for a while. They all spend the day talking about how science has caused havoc, issues of politics, Descartes, systems theory, the bomb, and the turning points among other philosophical concerns.
As the three characters are in the process of rediscovering themselves, Sonia is full of guilt as she wonders if ethics are compatible with her career; on the other hand, Jack being a proud politician in America is more concerned about his contribution towards its sustainability. For him, he wonders how technological systems have affected the country's ecology since a major shift has been towards technological growth. This makes him question, from his point of view as a politician, if American are concerned with the destructive outcomes of technology .One thing the three actors have in common is they are trying to search for the truth from the innermost depth of their souls to understand several question like what is life and where do go from here.
Sonia believes in a holistic approach and the interconnectedness, she talks critically of the stalemate and wreckage due to the industrial revolution. She further criticizes Cartesian and Isaac Newton views of mechanical thinking. Sonia thinks that these are outdated views that do not consider several issues that generate meaning to humans. Sonia thinks of life as a system but self-organized system which is interconnected, meaning it's more of a web relationship. Therefore, the holistic concept that she advocates for recognizes the interconnectedness of the universe which is different from mechanism thinking. Mechanical thinkers instead deconstruct the universe into different portions. Sonia refutes the idea of people viewing nature just like a giant clock instead of understanding nature as a living organism. From...
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