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Language Philosophers Research: Ludwing and Friedrich

Essay Instructions:

Language: Choose 2 philosophers with theories on language. Make sure you explain the theories in full. Give examples of how each theory can work or fail us. Do you think language is to blame for misunderstanding? How can we fix this? Please choose these philosophers, Wittgenstein and Nietszche.They are the two we have studied about.Attached is a PowerPoint page for them we used in class
Be sure to answer all of the questions posed in fully explained sentences. You will be graded on: Names, Opinions, Theories, Examples and the reason Why you have your beliefs.
Please the source for this essay should be from the textbook "LOOKING AT PHILOSOPHY" 6th Edition By Donald Palmer

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Language Philosophers: Ludwing & Friedrich
Institution of Affiliation
Language Philosophers: Ludwing & Friedrich
Ludwig Wittgenstein Theory
Ludwig Wittgenstein rejects the idea that language is separate and corresponding to reality. He argued that a concept does not necessarily need to be defined in order to make them more meaningful. In the picture of language theory, Wittgenstein argues that there is unbridgeable gap between what we express in language and what can only be expressed in non-verbal ways. Therefore, statements become more meaningful if they are brought to reality. He used language games theory to illustrate that speaking of language is part of an activity and part of human life that gives language its meaning (Palmer, 2013).
Friedrich Nietzsche Theory
Nietzsche argues that our considerations of true concepts arise from an establishment on the language. He argues that the concepts that exist are only metaphors created by the human beings to facilitate communication. Human beings consider them to be true and think that they correspond to reality. The things that we consider to be real are just metaphors created in order to facilitate communication among the human beings (Palmer, 2013).
How they can work or fail us.
Wittgenstein’s theory is true and it applies in our daily lives. When someone tells you something, you can understand it more if you try to picture what they are trying to communicate to you. When you are told something you always try to figure it in your mind by forming an image and that brings in reality in Wittgenstein’s arguments.

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