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Claim: Read Paragraph And Introduce The Main Content

Essay Instructions:

Claim: Read paragraph and Introduce the main content of this paragraph and conclusion!

In a very short time after I went to live at Baltimore, my old master's youngest son Richard died; and in about three years and six months after his death, my old master, Captain Anthony, died, leaving only his son, Andrew, and daughter, Lucretia, to share his estate. He died while on a visit to see his daughter at Hillsborough. Cut off thus unexpectedly, he left no will as to the disposal of his property. It was therefore necessary to have a valuation of the property, that it might be equally divided between Mrs. Lucretia and Master Andrew. I was immediately sent for, to be valued with the other property. Here again my feelings rose up in detestation of slavery. I had now a new conception of my degraded condition. Prior to this, I had become, if not insensible to my lot, at least partly so. I left Baltimore with a young heart overborne with sadness, and a soul full of apprehension. I took passage with Captain Rowe, in the schooner Wild Cat, and, after a sail of about twenty-four hours, I found myself near the place of my birth. I had now been absent from it almost, if not quite, five years. I, however, remembered the place very well. I was only about five years old when I left it, to go and live with my old master on Colonel Lloyd's plantation; so that I was now between ten and eleven years old.

We were all ranked together at the valuation. Men and women, old and young, married and single, were ranked with horses, sheep, and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being, and were all subjected to the same narrow examination. Silvery-headed age and sprightly youth, maids and matrons, had to undergo the same indelicate inspection. At this moment, I saw more clearly than ever the brutalizing effects of slavery upon both slave and slaveholder.

After the valuation, then came the division. I have no language to express the high excitement and deep anxiety which were felt among us poor slaves during this time. Our fate for life was now to be decided. we had no more voice in that decision than the brutes among whom we were ranked. A single word from the white men was enough—against all our wishes, prayers, and entreaties—to sunder forever the dearest friends, dearest kindred, and strongest ties known to human beings. In addition to the pain of separation, there was the horrid dread of falling into the hands of Master Andrew. He was known to us all as being a most cruel wretch,—a common drunkard, who had, by his reckless mismanagement and profligate dissipation, already wasted a large portion of his father's property. We all felt that we might as well be sold at once to the Georgia traders, as to pass into his hands; for we knew that that would be our inevitable condition,—a condition held by us all in the utmost horror and dread.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
The paragraph is a first- hand story of a possible ten or eleven years old black boy’s experience, of undergoing the grueling some and suffrage of slavery. The boy worked for his master; Captain Antony’s family, comprising of thee children namely, Andrew, Lucretia and Richard who passed away (Douglass, 1968, 47-48).
Upon the death of his master Captain Antony, and the discovery that he did not leave a will, a valuing was planned to determine the sharing of the wealth between Andrew and Lucretia. The narrator, who was part of Captain Antony’s possession, had to be valued as well. The notion of his consideration as a property became his first experience of his reality as a slave and portrayed his wretched future. Thus, with so much sadness, he left Baltimore and sailed for a day to the venue of the valuation, which was the area he once considered home (Douglass, 1968, 47-48).
Like other slaves, his confinem...
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