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Emergent Literacy: Alphabet Knowledge and Print Awareness

Essay Instructions:


Write answers to the questions in essay form.
Only Microsoft Word .docx file format.
The file name should be your last name
Display your name and University netid above the text at the beginning of the essay
Use double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1” margins all around
Review Rubric to view details on how you will be graded.
Plagiarism is absolutely NOT allowed. If you plagiarize any part of your essay, you will receive 0 points.
Please review: https://studentcode(dot)illinois(dot)edu/article1/part4/1-402/

Essay 3 40 pts
Write an essay in 4 paragraphs explaining the concept of emergent literacy. In each paragraph, answer the questions and follow the directives given below.

Paragraph 1
Define the term emergent literacy. (2 pts)
Can children read and write during the period of emergent literacy? (2 pts)
What are they capable of during the period of emergent literacy? (2 pts)
What role does oral language skill have in emergent literacy? (2 pts)

Paragraph 2
Define the term alphabet knowledge as it is applied to the period of emergent literacy. (2 pts)
Does alphabet knowledge mean that preschool children know how to spell words? If not, what does it mean that children can do? (2 pts)
What is the own-name advantage? (2 pts)
What is the letter-name pronunciation effect? (2 pts)

Paragraph 3
What does the term print awareness mean as it is applied to the period of emergent literacy? (2 pts)
Name and explain the five achievements or “metalinguistic milestones” in print awareness during the period of emergent literacy. (5 pts)

Paragraph 4

Define the term phonological awareness (1 pts)
Explain the difference between shallow and deep levels of phonological awareness. (1 pts)
Name and describe the 9 phonological awareness skills, indicating whether each skill is considered shallow or deep. (9 pts)

Please Proofread! (6 pts.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emergent Literacy
Student's Name
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Emergent Literacy
Emergent literacy refers to the earliest period in the life of children when they learn how to read and write. The skills they gain from pre-reading helps them learn how to read and write, and it relies on metalinguistic ability and oral language skill. During this stage, children cannot read and write, but they learn a lot about reading and writing before they begin to read and write. During emergent literacy, children practice phonological awareness, they can break words into sounds and put words together. During emergent literacy, children also learn alphabet knowledge which involves knowing letter sounds before they even know how to read and write. Additionally, learners learn about print awareness, and they can appreciate books being around them. Oral language also helps early learners express themselves through spoken words because they don't know how to read and write at this stage.
Alphabet awareness involves learners knowing about the letters of the alphabet. Also, learners at this stage are supposed to learn letter sounds before they even know how to read and write. When preschool children possess this ability, it doesn't mean they know how to spell words. They generally learn how to distinguish some letters. During emergent literacy, children learn quickly about letters that appear in their names, which helps them learn alphabetical order. Letter-name pronunciation refers to conditions that preschool learners learn earlier.
Print awareness entails bringing to attention to learners about print materials such as books which helps them appreciate them being around them. Durin...
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