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Compare and Contrast between being Rich and being Famous

Essay Instructions:
your essay should include a clear,"so what"thesis and focus on stating how the two items that you chose to write about are similar and how are different.
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Compare and Contrast between being Rich and being Famous
Professor Name:
(July 29, 2012)
Compare and Contrast between being Rich and being Famous
Everyone including you and me has always wished to be either rich or famous. But have we ever tried to think what are the differences and similarities between the two? Different definitions have been raised between the two terms. Being rich is having the material capacity to attain your life desires, high social status and respect in the society. Being famous on the other hand means having a big name, and being acknowledged by others for something you did or stand for in life. There are those who become famous due to their material wealth or riches. However, it is not automatically true to have both. There are those who only get rich, but are not famous, while others are famous, but not rich. This paper will seek to compare and contrast between being rich and being famous.
One of the major differences between being rich and being famous is that being rich is being financially able, which can simply be denoted by being wealthy, while being famous is being widely known. Riches can be lost, but being famous can only be diminished or reduced to a certain level. However, if someone loses his or her riches, he can reclaim it back by working harder, or using similar strategy which got them in that position previously. However, fame can only reduce, but cannot be totally erased in peoples` minds. There are many benefits of being rich as compared to being famous. This is mainly because rich persons can trade anything for their money including fame. However, people will always tend to question the means used to become wealthy. By being rich the persons get to more satisfied whenever they have cumulative wealth. Being rich also relieves individual`s worries of life since they can easily afford whatever they need regardless of the price. Money possession eliminates housing, shopping, transport and communication problems.
However, there are those who feels that being rich is relative and it`s just but a state of mind. Meaning, the peoples` perception towards richness may differ. Nonetheless, majority of people usually associates richness with a significant possession of money. People who comfortably live large and can afford to pay most of the basic needs important in life. Being rich means owning a lot of money, property and wealth where as being famous means well know or in short being a celebrity. Rich people are those who own empires and big companies, where as famous is being widely known, they include people like actors, actresses, musicians, broadcasters, professional gamers, models, producers just to mention but a few. There are several comparisons or similarities between being rich and being famous. Being rich and famous is being affluent people. This is because famous people have lots of riches and wealth, thus they are both celebrities. First and for most they both die. Ordinary people sometimes think that rich and famous people live heavenly on earth without any worry. Well they also do have problems and they die from normal causes other non famous or non rich people die from, for example diseases, accidents, and even others being targeted by assassins because of their wealth.
Both the rich and famous are too often considered one of the same, because often when one is asked to name a personal hero, people will name a rich person or a famous person. And when asked to name a rich person, people will name a famous person and vice versa, thus a comparison. Another comparison of being rich and being famous is that they both get attention from paparazzi, whether tabloids, magazines, newspapers, television just to mention but a few.
When a rich person invest their money then some big business it is big news worthy story and when a famous person just appears in public their pictures are good for magazines. Even when something bad or good, (for example a child being born) happens to rich and famous people it is magnetic to paparazzi. Lastly being rich and being famous, they both can lose everything at any moment in future. Rich people can lose their wealth let`s say through a bad investment or a bad divorce and famous people can also suffer the same consequence, sin...
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