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Beowulf's Adventure

Essay Instructions:

75 Points (2 one-paragraph responses and a 5-paragraph response: see each question for where the points come from)

One-Paragraph Essays: 10 Points Each

Directions: Answer two (2) of the following (3) questions with thoughtful, carefully written answers. Be accurate and specific in referencing the events of the story. Your answer can take the form of a thoroughly developed paragraph.

1.  Beowulf used particular tactics in defeating Grendel. What choices were made by Beowulf, why did he make those choices, and how did they help him defeat Grendel? Explain how the theme of enantiodromia played out in this conflict.

Points: Topic Sentence. (1 pt) At least two choices. (1 pt each:2) Why he made those choices. (1 pt each:2) How those choices enabled Grendel's defeat. (1 pt each: 2) Enantiodromia change/choice. (1 pt.) Enantiodromia symbolism. (1 pt.) Concluding sentence. (1 pt.)

2.  Beowulf barely survived his encounter with Grendel's mother. What parts of this battle made it more difficult than facing Grendel? How was Beowulf able to defeat Grendel's mother? Explain how the theme of enantiodromia played out in this conflict.

Points: Topic Sentence. (1 pt.) At least two difficulties. (1 pt each:2) Explanations of how those difficulties are harder than fighting Grendel. (1 pt each:2) Key to Grendel's mother's defeat. (1 pt.) Enantiodromia change/choice. (2 pts.) Enantiodromia symbolism. (1 pt.) Concluding sentence. (1 pt.) (We didn't go over this enantiodromia much: I'll give you points if you come up with something that makes sense)

3.  In old age Beowulf faced the dragon, which shared many qualities with him. What did Beowulf and the dragon have in common? How did Beowulf's plan to kill the dragon fail? What unplanned event/s complicated his battle with the dragon? How did Beowulf win? Explain how the theme of enantiodromia played out in this conflict.

Points: Topic Sentence. (1 pts.) At least two qualities shared. (1 pt each:2) Two points of failure in Beowulf's plan. (1 pts each:2) Unplanned event/sin fight with dragon (1 pt.) Explanation of Beowulf's victory (1 pt.) Enantiodromia change/choice. (1 pts.) Enantiodromia symbolism. (1 pt.) Concluding sentence. (1 pts.)

5 Paragraph Essay: 55 Points

Directions: Answer one (1) of the following (2) questions with a thoughtful, carefully written answer. Be accurate and specific in referencing the events of the story. Develop this into a five-paragraph essay.

4.  Each of the monsters had its own motivation for threatening the human world. Why did each of the monsters attack? What made each of the monsters particularly dangerous?


Intro paragraph with sentence about motivation (2 pts.) and 3 brief statements about monster motivations (1 pt each: 3)

First supporting paragraph: Monster's motivation topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that motivation (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference. (2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that motivation matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.

Second supporting paragraph: Monster's motivation topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that motivation (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference. (2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that motivation matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.)

Third supporting paragraph: Monster's motivation topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that motivation (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference. (2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that motivation matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.)

Conclusion: Summary of each monster's motivations (1 pt each:3) Statement about what is important/interesting about the monsters having motivations (2 pts)

  1. 5.    Most stories worth telling have some sort of moral or message to them. What is the moral or message of the legend of Beowulf? What happens {events or choices) in the story to make that the message of the story?

Intro paragraph with sentence about morals/message (2 pts.) and 3 brief statements about events that establish that moral/message (1 pt each: 3)

First supporting paragraph: First event topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that event's connection to moral/message. (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference. (2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that event & moral/message matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.)

Second supporting paragraph: Second event topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that event's connection to moral/message. (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference.


(2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that event & moral/message matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.)

Third supporting paragraph: Third event topic sentence. (3 pts.) Two pieces of evidence/ references to the story that establish that event's connection to moral/message. (2 pts each:4) Explanations for each piece of evidence/reference. (2 pts each: 4) Statement about why that event & moral/message matters. (2 pts) Concluding/transition sentence (2 pt.)

Conclusion: Summary of each part that shows the moral/message (1 pt each:3) Statement about how that moral/message might have affected people in the time that the poem was written and/or today(2 pts)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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October 07, 2023
Beowulf Assignment
1 Question 1
The first trick is when Beowulf tricks Grendel into attacking in the place of Heorot by pretending to be asleep, which catches the monster by surprise. This planning contributed significantly to his wins against Grendel overall; surprise was essential in taming him. Additionally, when Beowulf faced Grendel, he made tactical decisions. In order to demonstrate his fortitude and power, he decided to face Grendel without any armor or weapons. He made this decision because he wanted to uphold his dignity and reputation since slaying Grendel with just his hands would show his superior strength (Beowulf, n.d.). An idea from ancient Greek philosophy called enantiodromia is frequently linked to the thinker Heraclitus. It alludes to an abrupt or unanticipated turnabout, where something becomes its opponent or antithesis. In this case, Beowulf's initial weakness changes into a victorious victory in this passage, signifying the narrative's transition from darkness to light.
2 Question 2
The battle between Beowulf and Grendel's mother is challenging because of the setting of the palace; it is set underwater, where Grendel's mother has the upper hand. It is much harder than his battle with Grendel; Grendel's mother is much more resilient, thus making the fight more arduous. The reason why Beowulf defeats Grendel's mother is because of the giant sword that he discovered; this sword can pierce through Grendel's mother's thick skin, which ultimately leads to Beowulf's victory. As Beowulf battles a more formidable foe yet finally prevails, the notion of enantiodromia is present, supporting the story's theme of conquering hardship.
3 Question 4
Villian in the story also has a backstory, explaining their motivation and why they are doing their actions. It ca...
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