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Application for an opportunity in you Trinity Community College

Essay Instructions:

This is a small instrument of the school. I think it is possible to choose from three explanations based on the explanation given by the college's official website. Then rewrite my ability to debate is excellent. He won the best debater title in the school debate competition and led the team to the second place in two consecutive sessions. I know from the official website that the debate team of Trinity College has not developed much. I hope that I can use my strength to lead the development of the debate team of Trinity College. Honor for the school.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Application for an opportunity in you Trinity Community College
Trinity College: Engage, Connect and Transform
My skill in debating will be very useful to the establishment of the debating club in Trinity Community College. Because the Trinity College is based on three key pillars; engage, connect and transform, as part of the debate team, I will be able to strengthen its pillars further. Debate helps to connect people through the key issues raised in a debate. The debate also connects people as they try to argue their point with others, in addition to transforming both active and passive participants. Debating is one of the strategies that can be used to bring out a strong connection between people in the college. Therefore, becoming part of the College will be a lucrative opportunity for not only applying by debate skills but also influencing other students to embrace debating.
I am very passionate about debating; an extra-curriculum activity that I started to engage in since I was my upper grades. I love to discuss a wide range of contentious issues because it gives me an opportunity to raise my thoughts combined withmy research findings. Because of immense debate skills, I was able to compete in the school debate competitions in which I managed to achieve the position in two consecutive times. The competitions were embraced by different participants who engage in various sides of the debate. I was, however, able to manage to acquire the top position of the competition.
Although Trinity College has been engaging in debates, it has not managed...
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