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Life Sciences
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What is a cancer, how does it develop and what mechanisms do we have to treat it

Essay Instructions:
Writing Assignment: As a general education course, each student will be responsible for completing a writing assignment. It will be graded on content, clarity, & thought process (50%), grammar (15%), correctness of facts used (20%), and if it follows instructions (15%). Requirements include: no more than 1 inch margins, printed in 12 point Times New Roman normal font, single spaced, and the main content should be more than three full pages long. If this is your second time taking the course, you will need to write a new paper; I will not accept previous assignments again. An additional page should be included which lists sources used. These sources should be referenced in your paper, and annotated according to CSE style. For suggestions about CSE style rules you may refer to http://library(dot)osu(dot)edu/sites/guides/csegd.php or http://library(dot)duke(dot)edu/research/citing/within/cse.html (I've also created links to these in Canvas. You must have at least 3 sources. Please use reputable sources such as scientific journals or textbooks. Please do not plagiarize. Plagiarism is in violation of the university's honor code. It is best if you read over your sources, and then put them aside when you write your paper. That way it will be easier to express the information in your own way. If you do directly cite a source, be sure to include it in quotations. Either Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, or RTF (rich text format) file types are acceptable. Write your paper as if you were teaching the other students in the class about that topic. You may choose your own topic, or you may elaborate on one of the example topics from the list below. When writing about a controversial subject, be sure to explore BOTH sides of the argument. 1. Discuss the Hypothesis-Driven Science. 2. Discuss the difference in a Prokaryotic cell and a Eukaryotic cell. Describe the major components of a Eukaryotic cell and explain their function. 3. Discuss Darwin's observations & conclusions. 4. Discuss the characteristics of water and how those are beneficial to life. 5. Describe an atom and an isotope, and the relationship between them, and their uses to mankind. 6. Define an acid, base, buffer, and pH. Describe the pH scale. Describe how these are important in living organisms. 7. Explore the four macromolecules of life. 8. Describe the method of cloning, and the ethical arguments involved 9. Explain catabolism & anabolism & their uses.. 10. Explain dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis. 11. Describe human body organization. What is homeostasis and how is it achieved? 12. Describe chemical energy. Discuss kinetic and potential energy and how it relates to life. 13. Explain what are enzymes and their roles. 14. Discuss the chemical cycling between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Describe the role of oxygen in cellular respiration and explain the consequences because of its role or lack thereof. Describe the role of electrons in cellular respiration. 15. Pros and Cons of Vaccines & how they work. 16. Evidences and Rebuttals of Global Warming. 17. Describe and differentiate between the two different light reactions. Discuss the water saving adaptations of some plants. 18. What is a cancer, how does it develop and what mechanisms do we have to treat it? 19. Describe, compare, and contrast between mitosis and meiosis. Why are both important to life? 20. Explain Mendel's Laws. Explain how Incomplete Dominance, Polygenetic inheritance, and Sex-Linked Genes differ from the Laws. 21. Describe the process of: DNA replication, Transcription, Translation. Describe how DNA unpacking, transcription, RNA processing, translation, protein modification, and protein breakdown can regulate gene expression 22. Describe Recombinant DNA technology, DNA fingerprinting, and human gene therapy. 23. Describe population evolution (micro/macro). 24. Discuss population ecology & how it effects the environment. Discuss the different type of inter- specific interactions in an ecosystem. Discuss the type of impact humans have on the environment & give examples from the book.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
What is a cancer, how does it develop and what mechanisms do we have to treat it Writer`s name Course Tutor: Date What is cancer, how does it develop and what mechanisms do we have to treat it Since those days of the fore fathers, there were diseases. Though such predicaments faced them even without access to hospitals, most of the diseases were curable. This could involve medicine men in the past and as we become modernized, doctors have a solution to countless diseases in the present days. Though this was the trend before, things have changed, and there have emerged other diseases that have given scientists sleepless night looking for solutions. Cancer disease has become every human threat. Different from the past where people believed that cancer was a disease of the older people, things have changed, and even children at birth are likely to have cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is a term that encompasses a complex group of more than 100 different types of cancerous diseases can simply be defined as a cell disease. For one to understand what is meant by cancer, it is vital to understand the composition of the human body. Human body is made of millions of cells. The body always makes new cells to enable a person to grow, to replace worn-out cells or to heal damaged cells after an injury. Genes are part of a cell that tells it what to do. Some genes tell the cell when to multiply or when not to multiply. The most cause of cancer is from damaged genes. For instance, the common form of cancer is known to be grounded by damaged genes. Since human being does different activities in any given day, genes damaging can result from many things in the environment. Some of the things include excess sunlight, cigarette smoke and even what we eat. In other cases, the damaged genes are passed from a parent to a child a reason why cancer is no longer seen as a disease for the elderly but a disease that has cause dilemma to every human being irrespective of age. In a well functioning body, normal genes tell the cells when to multiply and when to die. Different from normal genes, damaged genes sometimes tell the cells to multiply too much or to stop cells from dying when they should. Continuing cells` growth sometimes results to lumps which are called tumor. Some tumors are felt while others are not felt. In other cases, some tumors are benign which means they are not cancer while others are malignant which means they are cancer. At an early stage, cancer grows in a place where it started. At this stage, it is called primary cancer. Primary cancer can grow big enough to cause symptoms. Cancer has different characters since at certain points; cancer cells may leave the primary cancer and go to other parts of the body. The cells travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system where they can make new cancers in any other part of the body. At this point, they are referred as secondary cancers or metastases. Research has proved that most people do not know whether they have cancer until they get symptoms from a secondary cancer. Caner can transpire in any part of the body since there is even the blood and lymph tissue cancer which has made it difficult to treat cancer. Over the past decades, AIDs was known to be the disease that affects most families suffered due to it. This fear has diverted, and people fear cancer more. According to Lang (1994), is has been proved that most people are aware of measure to prevent AIDs but this is not the case when it comes to cancer a reason why the disease has become a nightmare cause to many. Though cancer is not transmitted like other forms of diseases, it is becoming more serious since it can occur in any part of the body. The other thing is that it is not a disease that affects a given class of people or a certain country, cancer is a disease that affects everyone in every corner of the world. This is irrespective of country, races religion or even age. Though there are some countries that are not experiencing the disease at a big rate, some countries are much affected than others. For instance, Australia is the most affected with a ratio of one in every three people How cancer develops Human body is made of billions of cells which act a vital role in providing good health and well functioning of the body system. In this case, the bodies contain DNA which acts as cell instructor in the body. In case there is damaged (mutation) to the DNA within the cell, then these results to cancer. DNA holds a set of instruct...
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