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Life Sciences
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Question-Answer Activity

Essay Instructions:

Step 1:

Watch the following videos:

Video: Pale Blue Dot (from class slides)

Video: The Scientific Method

Video: The Peer Review Process:

Video: Not All Scientific Studies Are Created Equal

Video: Science Journalism:

Video: How to Spot a Misleading Graph

Step 2:

Define/describe the key terms in your own words below:

The Scientific Method

Peer Review Process

Academic Research

Control Group

Correlation and Causation

Science Journalism

Balancing Fact-Reporting and Story-Telling in Journalism

Step 3:

Watch the following videos to introduce the concepts we'll review in next week's lecture, and answer the questions below each video in your own words.

Matter and Energy

What is matter? What are the 3 states of matter?

What is energy?

What is an atom? 

What are the 3 parts of an atom?

What is an ion? What is an isotope?

A guide to the energy of Earth (up to 2:45)

Where does most energy on Earth come from?

What 3 things do plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use to create organic matter?

What are the 4 biomolecules? What role does each biomolecule play for living things?

What do CHO, CHON, and CHONP stand for?

Step 4:

Add reflections and any questions here (optional)

Step 5:

Submit on Canvas as a PDF

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Question-Answer Activity
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Question-Answer Activity
Step 2
The Scientific Method
The scientific approach describes the unique steps that scientists or researchers use to generate results that assist them in answering particular questions (Teacher’s Pet, 2014). It includes steps such as observation, research guided by a hypothesis, and experiment leading to desired findings.
Peer Review Process
The peer review process represents the rigorous evaluation of a researcher’s paper before being accepted for publication by a journal (Libncsu, 2014). During this process, experts in the field of the paper subject the work to significance, quality, originality, and other metrics to determine its worthiness before recommending revisions and accepting it for publication.
Academic Research
It is the meticulous evaluation of the existing information about a particular topic to understand the facts or solve a problem.
Control Group
It represents the research group maintained in the normal conditions for comparing the results of the experimental ones (Teacher’s Pet, 2014). Thus, it serves as the benchmark for demonstrating the effect of the tested variable from the normal.
Correlation and Causation
Correlation is the association a researcher establishes between two variables in research (TED-Ed, 2014). For instance, epidemiological studies present correlations between specific substances and health results. However, causation demonstrates how one aspect of research triggers the occurrence of another.
Science Journalism
Science journalism is the art of investigating and sieving information about specific topics affecting people in numerous academic articles and packaging it into meaningful and informative pieces for the public to consume (CrashCourse, 2018).
Balancing Fact-Reporting and Story-Telling in Journalism
Balancing fact-reporting is an ethical approach for journalists to ensure that they remain impartial, factual, and thorough while presenting all facts about research. They should ensure they fairly evaluate and present all aspects equally for credibility. The CrashCourse (2018) discussions by Adriene Hill also indicate that story-telling journalism comprises the art of investigating, digesting, and presenting verified scientific information in ways that capture the audiences’ attention.
Step 3
What is matter? What are the 3 states of matter?
Matter represents any substance with mass and the capacity to occupy space (Najam Academy, 2020). For instance, human beings are matter. Moreover, it exists in three stages: solids, liquids, and gases.
What is energy?
Energy is the capacity to execute any work or process (Najam Academy, 2020). For instance, one requires energy to lift a bag of flour from a shelf.
What is an atom?
Atom is the basic unit of most elements (MonkeySee, 2012). It represents the smallest division of any matter that retains all the properties of an element.
What are the 3 parts...
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