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Intelligence & Foreign Policies.

Essay Instructions:

Assignment objective

1: Distinguish structural and strategic constraints on policy options facing the United States.

2: Explain the impact of political and economic fragmentation and integration on America's approach to the global community.

Write a two-page brief to an imaginary president-elect who does not have an intelligence background. Explain the role of intelligence in the making of US foreign policy.

Write your brief in the third person, not first. No "I" or "my" or "we" etc. Make sure that you include references. Consider below readings in addition to other references.

~ Intelligence and the presidency by Jami Miscik 2017. https://www(dot)foreignaffairs(dot)com/articles/united-states/2017-04-17/intelligence-and-presidency

~ Frustrating Intelligence by Robert Jervis 2012. https://www(dot)tandfonline(dot)com/doi/full/10.1080/02684527.2012.688315?needAccess=true

Please cite sources in your brief with Turabian in-text citations (see the Quick Guide in Discussions), and write a Reference List at the end of your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Us Intelligence & Foreign Policies
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Intelligence enhances the successful implementation of the US foreign policy. Intelligence enables the president to understand that structural constraints on the policing options available to the United States entail the lack of compatibility of the US structural elements, including the people and government in implementing some policies. Intelligence also lets the president know that the strategic constraints on policy options entail the logistical challenges that make implementing some policy options impractical. Structural constraints on the policy options of the country take many forms. For instance, the US’s policy of deportation of all undocumented immigrants is an example of a policy hampered by structural constraints. This is because undocumented immigrants have children in the United States, and such children are United States citizens by being born on US soil.[Jan-Erik, Johanson,. Strategy Formation and Policy Making in Government. (2019. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan), 67.] [Jan-Erik, Johanson,. Strategy Formation and Policy Making in Government. (2019. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan), 19.]
Children under eighteen years require maternal and paternal love and care—however, the parents are supposed to be deported to their origin countries. The policy is structurally constrained. A strategic constraint on a policy option is the building of the border wall of the US and Mexico. In this case, intelligence will inform the president that the policy is logistically impossible because the US shares a long border with Mexico; hence it will be costly. Mexico is arguably the leading importer of US products. Mexicans share a history with the Americans; hence such a border wall project will sever diplomatic and social ties between the two countries. Additionally, illegal immigrants will always find a way to enter the US, hence rendering the wall irrelevant in controlling illegal immigrants’ entry into the US mainland. By and large, structural and strategic constraints substantially affect the ability of the US to adopt some of the policy options at its disposal.
Intelligence establishes the extent to which political and economic fragmentation and integration have made the US successful in wooing the international community to embrace its policies. Political fragmentation is the decentralization of political power and encou...
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