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Discussion Assignent For Biology, H5N1 (Avian Influenza)

Essay Instructions:

Discussion 1:Emerging diseases such as H5N1 (avian influeza) are just one of the many challenges facing science today why? give other examples.
Discussion 2: when drinking water, we don't think about its property, the water we drink is it acidic, basic or neutral and why?
Discussion 3:How are microscopes used in the study of cells? and why do people used them in hospitals.
Discussion 4:How are the laws of thermodynamics & entropy related?
Discussion 5:Why is photosynthesis essential for life? and what is an example of organism that can perform photosynthesis
Discussion 6:If you had a research lab and you can choose one syndrome to study and do more work, which one will it be and why?
Discussion 7:Describe Phenylketonuria (PKU) and Hunting disease. what is something that both disease have in common. 
Discussion 8:What is a transgenic organnism? what is the purpose of GMO? are they good or bad?

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Discussions for Biology
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Institution of Affiliation
Discussion for Biology
Discussion 1
Emergent infectious diseases such as H5N1 (avian influenza) are one of the many challenges facing science today. These emerging diseases appear in a particular geographical range and increase rapidly or threaten to grow in the future. The emergence of new diseases has been recognized for millennia. Despite the extraordinary advancement we have witnessed, the new global order adds layers of complexity in containing the infections. Increased global interactions have complicated containment measures, hence affecting the health and economic stabilities of the communities. Other emerging diseases include HIV/AIDS and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Discussion 2
When drinking water, we do not think about its properties. Whether it is acidic, basic or neutral is not of importance to us because we just want to quench our thirst or have something to swallow our food. We do not hear the local news talking about the PH of water. The only place we here about the PH of water is in school during chemistry classes. However, PH is an essential aspect of water. It affects the organisms living in the water as well as acting as an indicator of increased pollution. Acidic water is one that has more free hydrogen ions while basic water is one with more hydroxyl ions. Acidic water has numerous health benefits like killing pathogenic bacteria. However, it can also result in corrosion hence rust staining. Alkaline or basic water helps neutralize acidic levels in the body. Basic water mostly occurs when spring water passes over rocks and picks up minerals.
Discussion 3
The invention of the microscope was a remarkable achievement in the field of science. It ushered in a completely new dimension in the way we perceived the world. Scientists could then be able to discover the presence of microbes and study the structure of cells. Microspore helped them see the minute parts of both animal and plant cells. A cell is about a fifth the size of the smallest particle visible to the naked eye and with microscopes; we are able to understand their structure and functions. Microscopes have evolved beyond using simple lenses that refract light. In today`s world, more complex microscopes that use electrons or infrared rays to detect much smaller structures. A microscope is a standard tool in hospitals used to diagnose diseases. They are mostly used in the laboratories to observe bacteria, tissues, and viruses. Additionally, it helps view the behavior of viruses and assist in developing their cures.
Discussion 4
Thermodynamic involves the understanding of the interrelationship between work and the factors that makes it happen. These factors include energy, temperature, and heat. There are three laws of thermodynamics, with the first law known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law states that energy is neither created nor destroyed in a closed system. The second law of thermodynamics holds that sum of entropies that interact together in an isolated system is always increasing. Finally, the third law defines that the entropy of any system nears a constant value as the temperature inches to absolute zero. Entropy measures unspent energy in an isolated system. It stems from the second law of thermodynamics that holds that the total entropy can only ri...
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