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Updating the Structure of a Police Department: Policing Initiatives

Essay Instructions:

Week 10 Assignment - Updating the Structure of a Police Department


You have been assigned to incorporate community policing and engagement initiatives, such as those found in Chapter 14 of Community Policing Today, into the current departmental structure. You must include training in these new initiatives, as an ongoing function as well as for compliance and oversight.

The first part of the assignment requires you to identify three specific initiatives to add to the department and then identify where they will fit into the organizational structure. Refer to the Police Department Organizational Structure [PPTX]. You will need to explain what type of training and support will be necessary for these initiatives.

The second part of the assignment is to revamp the department’s recruitment and hiring process to attract and hire new officers who have the necessary traits to accomplish both the traditional policing function and the expanded community initiatives. Using the information from Chapter 12 of your Community Policing Today text, identify the important skills needed in these new officers and describe the process you will use to evaluate these skills.


Write a 5-page paper in which you:

  • Identify three specific community policing initiatives to add to the department.
  • Determine what type of training and support will be necessary for each of these initiatives.
  • Select where each initiative will fit into the organizational structure.
  • Justify why these three initiatives will enhance the department's relationship with the community.
  • Identify the important skills needed in recruiting new officers who can perform both traditional policing and the new community policing initiatives.
  • Explain how you would evaluate and measure these traits and skills.
    • Use five credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your writing. You may use Community Policing Today for one of your sources, but you must provide at least four additional sources to support your selected initiatives.

Source I will provide is Chapter 12, 14 & Police Department Organizational Structure [PPTX].

Please add 4 more.


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Week 10 Assignment Updating the Structure of a Police Department
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Week 10 Assignment Updating the Structure of a Police Department
Three Specific Community Policing Initiatives to Add To the Department
There are three specific community policing initiatives to add to the department: youth, cadet, and neighborhood watch programs. Youth programs involve fostering proactive partnerships between the police and youth and identifying and reducing juvenile crime (Parsons & Kremling, 1). On the other hand, cadet programs entail finding representatives within the community to serve among the law enforcement ranks. The main aim of the explorer/cadet program is to give youngsters some vocational experience for those who are interested in becoming police officers. Conversely, neighborhood watch programs involve community members working together with local law enforcement to avert crime and enhance their quality of life.
Type of Training and Support Needed
Some of the training and support required for successful implementation of the youth program include: reforming policies that push the youth into the juvenile justice system; creating opportunities in the community for positive interaction between juveniles and officers; addressing locally occurring issues relating to juvenile victimization and quality of life; and developing juvenile information-sharing strategies. On the other hand, the training and support required for successful implementation of the cadet program include: defending oneself in a physical confrontation; understanding the internal operations of the police department; conducting crime scene search; practicing firearm safety; building raids; conducting youth services; practicing criminal law; ensuring general safety, and improving community relations.
Conversely, the training and support required for successful implementation of the community policing initiative involve: recruiting new volunteers and improving public awareness; reaching consensus and team-building; conducting neighborhood evaluations and developing actionable plans; creating partnerships with another service; and civic and social institutions, organizing (Paez & Dierenfeldt, 2). Other aspects of training and support required entail conducting effective meetings, observing people and their environments, correctly reporting suspicious activity, and conducting security evaluations.
Where the Initiatives Fit Into the Organizational Structure
The youth program will fall under the administrative division, particularly the community services sub-division aimed at providing citizen involvement through volunteer programs. Youth-focused policing will be part of the subdivision’s efforts at cultivating better relations with the community through youth intervention to avert crime, victimization, delinquency, over and above, protracted participation in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. The explorer/cadet program will also fall under the community services sub-division. This unit is responsible for integrating law enforcement with community initiatives geared towards crime prevention and safety programs.
Similarly, the neighborhood watch program will fit into the community services sub-division. The community services sub-division is best placed to handle all three community policing initiatives because, in addition to acting as the liaison between the community and police department, it comprises outreach specialists trained in engaging communities in crime prevention and safety programs. The community service officers will be best placed to provide support, training, and administrative guidance to youth, cadet, and neighborhood watch programs. The non-commissioned outreach experts will help bridge gaps between the police department and community members by cooperating with juveniles, youth recruits, and neighborhood residents.
How the Initiatives Enhance the Department’s Relationship with The Community
The youth program will enhance the department’s relationship with the community by nurturing significant and positive impressions of the police department among young people. The nature and circumstances under which youth interact with law enforcement can result in lasting impressions on a juvenile. Therefore, developing opportunities for youth to eradicate any negative feelings they may have about the police is critical. Besides, many juveniles from underserved communities do not trust police officers owing to prevalent negative community perceptions of law enforcement or previous past experiences. They also lack good role models to emulate and have several unpleasant run-ins with law enforcement (Peyton et al., 3). Youth programs provide the mentorship these young adults require to reform and avoid participating in juvenile crime or spending extended periods in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
Similarly, the cadet program will help end community members’ antagonistic attitudes towards the police. Allowin...
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