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Prioritize Public Safety and other Community Concerns

Essay Instructions:

Law enforcement operations and strategies were historically driven by proven best practices. Current and future challenges now require a new approach combined with the responsiveness and comprehension of officers using a different thought process and judgment. These challenges require a fundamental transformation inclusive of new tools, new strategies, and new approaches. Use your textbook, the Internet, and/or the Strayer Library to research credible sources on the aforementioned issues as they relate to law enforcement operations and management and the social aspect of policing

1.Identify the best practices being used by law enforcement agencies to ensure that officers are trained in all aspects of understanding and manipulating technology and technological devices in their attempts to keep up with the rapidly changing technological environment.

2.Identify the ways in which police officers are responding to a changing and diverse community. What can police agencies do to improve the trust between diverse members of the community?

3.Identify the agencies involved in investigating hate crimes. Identify the challenges involved in investigating hate crimes. Analyze the problems related to determining the actual number of hate crimes and what makes a hate crime different from other crimes. Describe how domestic terrorism and hate crimes are similar in nature.

4.What does the future of policing look like in America? Identify the myriad of challenges that those in the law enforcement community are currently facing, and will face in the future.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Examine the role of law enforcement agencies in handling modern challenges such as terrorism and hate crimes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Present and Future of Policing in America
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The Present and Future of Policing in America
Law enforcement agencies are expected to be vigilant when dealing with modern challenges, such as hate crimes and terrorism. They should prioritize public safety and other community concerns. However, the most significant thing that law enforcers should do is to build trust between them and the community they serve. Community policing is the best strategy that law enforcement agencies should use to understand things that are happening at the grassroots. Police officers should know how to relate well with the public to obtain relevant information about how criminal activities are conducted. People in the community usually understand how illegal things or organized crime occur. However, they cannot disclose such information to law enforcers if they do not trust them. Many community members fear that if they share the information that would help police officers to arrest lawbreakers, their lives would be in danger. Although community policing is one way that law enforcement agencies can use to build trust between them and diverse community members, the future of policing in America lies in the proper understanding and use of technology to address hate crimes, domestic terrorism, and other crimes.
The Best Practices Used by Law Enforcement Agencies to Ensure that Officers are Trained in All Aspects of Understanding the Rapidly Changing Technological Environment
Law enforcement agencies should understand that without training police officers on how to use the current technology to eliminate criminal activities, all their efforts might bear no fruits. Specifically, without using technological devices, it would be extremely difficult for cops to identify how organized criminal activities are carried out. The core operations performed by police officers today cannot be effective without the application of relevant technological devices. Some of the technology that law enforcement agencies should facilitate training include the use of body cameras, surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, drones, automated license plate readers, and gunshot detection systems (Crispino, Rossy, Ribaux, & Roux, 2015). For example, when approaching the crime scene or arresting suspects, police officers should always turn on their body cameras so that they can record everything happening. Moreover, cops should be able to use surveillance cameras in a specific route to follow the movement of criminals and get their location in real-time. Consequently, training law enforcers on how to use technology improves their efficiency and effectiveness in eliminating criminal activities. 
Furthermore, law enforcement agencies should ensure that police officers are trained in all aspects of understanding and manipulating technology. In reality, if cops are not well trained on how to use technological devices to perform their duties, criminal activities will be all over the Internet due to the rapid advancement of technology. For instance, if police officers stick to traditional methods, such as patrolling, and expect to see criminal activities, they might be shocked to see nothing since criminals are now using technology to conduct their activities (Fatih & Bekir, 2015). In that scenario, when a criminal sees cops patrolling, the person can update others in the neighborhood using technology so that they can hide and wait for the police officers to go. However, if cops are trained how to use biometrics and can locate group or discussion forums of criminals on the Internet, they can follow their activities, know what criminals are planning, and know where to get them. As such, the use of technology in solving crime gives cops an upper hand since they identify illegal activities planned on social media and prevent them through proper policing interventions.
Ways in Which Police Officers are Responding to a Changing and Diverse Community
Law enforcement agencies cannot address policing challenges without responding to the changing and diverse communities. One way that police officers respond to community diversity is by embracing diversity in law enforcement. The diverse hiring choices enable police departments to have people from different communities. As such, law enforcement agencies become flexible to handle individuals from distinctive cultural backgrounds, which enable them to have a picture of what is happening in diverse communities. Additionally, police departments are offering diversity training to cops (Flavin, 2018). For example, police officers are taught how to respond to issues that might cause cultural or ethnic conflicts. Moreover, they are advised to earn public trust and maximize on interviews from community members since they help in solving crimes faster.
Things that Police Agencies Can do to Improve Trust Between Them and Diverse Community Members
Police-community trusting relationships foster the eradication of criminal activities. Police officers should prioritize creating trusting relationships with diverse members of the community to get relevant information that would help them to solve criminal activities within a short period. One way they can do that is by relating well to community members. For instance, during patrols, cops should speak with civilians in a friendly way. They should not be harsh all the time. Police officers should show the public that they are there to ensure their safety and security. They should use social media platforms, such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, to keep in touch with community members. Besides, social media can significantly help cops to address various issues affecting different communities, which would enable them to relate well to the public (Miles-Johnson, 2019). Police officers should use surveys or interviews to gather relevant information from community members. Furthermore, law enforcement agenc...
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