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Primary and Secondary Deviation Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

listen to the voice record, you will understand all requirement for this essay.

You will need the textbook : Classics of Criminolohy BY Joseph E. Jacoby, Theresa A. Severance, Alan S. Bruce (Fourth Edition)

- Chapter 42 (p.351-P.353): Primary and Secondary Deviation

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      Primary and Secondary Deviation Name Institution Date  
 8 sequence of interaction that lead from primary to secondary deviation- Edwin Lemert’s labeling theory differentiates primary and secondary deviation where the former is deviance or norm violation that most people engage in or even rationalize that it may become acceptable (Jacoby, Severance & Bruce, 2012). Secondary deviation represents the integration of the deviant identity that is reinforced by a person’s self-concept, and even as the actor is labeled as deviant uses the deviance to express their role behavior or as a defense mechanism (Jacoby, Severance & Bruce, 2012). 8 sequence of interaction that leads from primary to secondary deviation are:
  1. Primary deviation
  2. Social penalties
  3. Further primary deviation
  4. Stronger penalties & rejections
  5. Further deviations
  6. Crisis reached in the tolerance quotient, where the community formally reacts by stigmatizing deviants
  7. Strengthening  of deviant behavior in reaction to penalties and stigmatization by society
  8. The person accepts their deviant  label,  social status and associated role
 Explanation Primary deviation  Deviant behavior that everyone engages in occasionally, but such behaviors are still strange because of norm violation.  Social penalties             Those engaged in deviant behavior are punished for norm violation, and the community’s reaction can increase or decrease the deviation. Further primary deviation             The individuals may react to his or her treatment where the deviation increases further, and this intensification is associated with the deviation becoming more common and a way of life.  Stronger penalties & rejections As deviant behavior escalates there are further penalties, rejection and s...
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