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The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace. Law Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace

You have been hired as a management consultant by a large company to examine the company's business decisions regarding employee protections. The applicable laws are federal anti-discrimination laws, federal health and safety laws, and employer firing practices related to the employment-at-will (EAW) doctrine.

In response to the three questions below, write a 5–6 page paper in which you do the following:

Analyze, identify, and explain recent legislation, within the last 10 years, that helps to protect employees from discrimination in the workplace. Provide at least two federal legislative protections. Provide some insight when the federal legislation conflicts with the state.

Explain the EAW doctrine and all exceptions to the doctrine. Look at the scenarios below and determine whether the decision to fire the employee is a smart one. Identify why or why not, and determine all the possible exceptions per the EAW doctrine that are, might be, or could be applicable if the employee sues for wrongful termination.

Brenda, a manager, started a blog on the company website for employee grievances. She noticed that a worker was protesting that no Asian American employees had gotten a raise in two years at the company. The worker also criticized how much the CEO made and how the CEO was "out of touch." Brenda reprimanded the worker. The next day, the worker talked to fellow co-workers about forming a union. Brenda subsequently fired the worker.

Jason, a department supervisor, requests approval to fire his secretary, Alice. Alice, a devout Christian, has been putting Right-to-Life flyers in the employee breakroom. Alice is also taking time out to pray each day during the busiest time of the morning.

Brian, the head of the accounting department, refused to sign Lori's leave request for jury duty. Lori is a tax attorney in his department. Brian wants to fire Lori for being absent without permission during their busiest time—tax season.

Peter has worked for the company for one year. He has a rare form of liver disease and works with chemicals that make his condition worse. Peter does not want to stop working, but his boss is not happy with his performance and wants to let him go.

Determine the federal law regarding undocumented workers and whether they are eligible for state workers’ compensation in the United States. Advocate for or against this practice and substantiate your response with research to support your position.

Use the Strayer Library to conduct your research. Include at least three quality references. The textbook for this class is a required source for this assignment.Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Evaluate federal law relative to workplace discrimination, employment-at-will, and worker’s compensation eligibility.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace
Student's Name
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Professor's Name
Course Title
The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace
Anti-discrimination Legislation
Discrimination remains one of the hotly contested issues in contemporary American society. The United States (U.S.), often referred to as the leader of the free world, is a multicultural nation, which is an attribute that places them in a precarious situation considering the level of divergence in various issues. The workplace witnesses exclusive diversity with relevance to how bias could be protracted. To this end, the federal government has instituted various legislation that endears to ensure that people are never subjected to the adverse extremities of such actions. This position implies that no American citizen is discriminated against based upon their religion, national origin, sex, race, or any other factor.
The Equality Act banning LGBTQ discrimination in the workplace is the latest among this legislation. LGBTQ is an acronym referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning. This Equality Act, which was passed in May 2019, was constituted to prevent such individuals from facing such adversities because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The legislation would be extended to public accommodation, education, loan applications, housing, and employment. Nancy Pelosi, who is the House Speaker, described the move as vital to bring the country "closer to equal liberty and justice for all" (Huffpost, 2019). The bill, which came into the limelight in 2015, faced significant opposition from the Republicans, considering that the greatest majority that voted for the bill were the Democrats.
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 is another legislation that becomes effective in 2009 (United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). This legislation prohibits individuals at the workplace and, more so, those with administrative functions to cease discriminating applicants or employees based upon their genetic data. This type of information encapsulates a person's genetic tests as well as those of their family members. Further, it extends to data about any condition, disorder, or disease of their family members or medical history. This legislation extends to prohibit an administrative figure from retaliation against anyone who forwarded their complaints of discrimination, be it within the premises, filed a charge, or participated in a related lawsuit or investigation.
The employment-at-will means that the employment agreement is for an indefinite period, and either the employee or employer can terminate the relationship. In essence, the employer bears the powers to dismiss an employee at any time without offering any warning, explanation, or reason. Nevertheless, there are times when this process could be orchestrated wrongfully with minimal justifications of the means to the end. Therefore, this legislation serves another purpose, which is to protect employees from unjustified or wrongful terminations and, more importantly, provide solutions to the conflicts ensuing between employees and employers. The wrongful dismissals define the exceptions to this legislation.
The public policy exception demands that an employee cannot be dismissed if the employer's claims are against the state's well-established public policy. An employer cannot fire workers who have filed for their compensation, refused to violate laws in the course of their operations, or reported legal transgressions. Another exception is the implied contract, which is acknowledged in approximately 41 states (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2008). It stipulates that an employer cannot fire their employee taking into account that they could have said something in the past and more so oral assurances. Other factors that could create an implied contract include the business owner's practices, policies, handbooks, and other written assurances. This exception creates a precarious situation considering the possibility of the lack of evidence. Another exception arises from the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing when it comes to employment relationships. It is utterly wrong to fire an older employee in the quest to avoid paying retirement benefits. Also, employees are protected when they decide to combine their efforts in forming a union or any other form of the collective bargaining agreement.
On the other hand, there are important statutory exceptions that are inclusive of this class too. There is illegal discrimination where the various statutes both from the federal and state levels prohibit employers from making their employment decisions in a biased manner. Some states protect their employees from off-duty activities. Also, the employer is barred from retaliating, for instance, in the case of whistleblowers. Promissory est...
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