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Common Law Assignment. Madonna Success on the Claim

Essay Instructions:


1. This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark for this subject.

2. Your assignment MUST be submitted by 11.59 pm (AEDT) (midnight) on Friday 27 November.

3. All questions MUST be answered.

4. With regards to formatting, your assignment must be typed with 1.5 or double spacing, and with

margins of at least 2cm on all sides. Size 12 font MUST be used.

5. The task is a common law assignment, so you are NOT required to discuss any legislation at all. It is

essential that you cite relevant authorities (cases) wherever possible to support your reasoning in each


6. Your work MUST be appropriately referenced, using footnotes. Where you state a legal principle,

which comes from a case, you must provide a citation to the relevant case. If you are stating a legal

principle that is covered in the textbook or lecture and which does not have a relevant case provided in

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lectures and the set textbook. But if you do, you must provide appropriate citations. No bibliography is

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7. Your assignment must be 1,500 words or fewer, excluding all footnotes. This word limit is strict: there

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Madonna Success on the Claim
Common law demands business entities not to make statements that are likely to create a false impression or are incorrect. Any information provided to a consumer about a product should be true and relevant to the said product or service. In any representation of goods or services, businesses must not promote, advertise, or quote statements that are likely to trigger undue influence from consumers. This law, however, exempts vague claims that cannot be true naturally. In this case, Vincent advertised falsely, thereby convincing Madonna that she could lease the shop. Vincent’s behavior gave Madonna a misleading impression that the shop was affordable. The consumer ended up making an uninformed decision.[Delaney, David. "Legal Geography III: New Worlds, New Convergences." Progress in Human Geography 41, no. 5 (10, 2017): 669]
There is a proof requirement that Madonna must meet to sue for false advertising. Primarily, Madonna will need to prove that a false statement has been made about Vincent’s shop. Since Vincent included “electricity included” in the statement, he is susceptible to false advertising. Madonna will also need to prove that the statement deceives or has the potential to deceive the targeted audience. With electricity bills accommodated, more interested consumers would want to lease the shop as opposed to if the information is not included. Thirdly, Madonna must prove that the deception in the statement is likely to influence her decision to execute the transaction. Ultimately, Madonna must prove that she has incurred an injury or is potentially facing an injury due to the false information. The injury could be losses that she has incurred while still unable to reach an agreement with Vincent. Bearing the nature of the proof requirements above, Madonna can pursue litigation in the case.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is mandated to regulate advertising with truth-in-advertising laws. This allows for private litigation through other statutes such as the Lanham Act. Normally, the goal of such litigation is to prevent rather than to punish. The normal procedure is to order the defendant (Vincent) to stop the behavior of false advertising. Supreme Court cases such as ONY, Inc. v. Cornerstone Therapeutics, Inc. No. 12-2414 (2d Cir. 2013) and POM Wonderful LLC v. Coca-Cola Co. 679 F.3d 1170 (2012) have been employed to set a precedent in similar cases. While corrective advertising is mandated, there should be no prison or fines to the defendant. A continuation of similar behaviors by the defendant after the warning should attract punishment.[Progress in Human Geography 41, no. 5 (10, 2017): 668]
The Validity of Madonna’s Acceptance
Madonna’s claim of the validity of her acceptance can be grounded on the contract law. In the meeting on June 1, they had an oral communication that implied elements of the business. However, Madonna did not indicate any intention of leasing the shop at that meeting. Vincent did not get the impression that Madonna had agreed to his new terms. Based on this verbal contract, Madonna barely has a legal ground to prove breach of contract beyond any reasonable doubt. In a verbal contract, a lack of tangible evidence is normally a challenging issue. Madonna cannot table any evidence to prove that she had a prior agreement with Vincent before Mickie was offered the shop. A verbal contract also benefits from the active participation of both parties in terms of the contract. In this case, Madonna cannot prove that Vincent is relying on the content of the conversation that they had four days ago.[Becker, Jo. "Corporal Punishment: Legal Reform as a Route to Changing Norms." Social Research 85, no. 1 (Spring, 2018): 262.]
Madonna’s second attempt at securing the shop can be explored through the written letter. Madonna wrote the letter, signed it, stamped it, and placed it in an envelope that was delivered to Vincent. Madonna needs to show that she entered into a legally binding contract with Vincent with four fundamental elements. The first element of proof is an offer. The offer features the intention to enter into a contract in which both parties partake. Not all deals that involve future business deals can be considered as an offer. In this case, both parties had a common business interest. While Vincent offered to sell the shop, Madonna offered to lease. The offer agreement was mutual. The second element of proof is a consideration. Madonna must prove that both Vincent and she agreed to receive something of value a...
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