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Client Letter Law Essay Research Coursework Term Paper

Essay Instructions:

i will send you the format for the Client Letter and the story of the case. Also, i wrote a closed memo for the case that will help you to write the client letter. If you have any question feel free to ask me.

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Client Letter
Advisory Letter
A few days ago, I encountered two outraged parents. Diego and Andrea Castillo, who live in Garden Valley, Idaho, are the parents to Sara Castillo. Their child is schooling at Garden Valley High School. As a member of taking Action Now (TAN), Sara participates in politics, including the abuse of citizen's rights by the government. Most members of TAN come from Garden Valley High School. However, although the organization members entirely come from the school, there is no official recognition of TAN as a school organization. On 14th August, the Department of Drug Abuse and Alcohol Program secretary was addressing people in the school auditorium. Sara was suspended three days after the event after expressing her opinion about her support of marijuana legalization. The suspension was not a violation of her right of expression and association and was not an abuse of her freedoms under the First Amendment.
Review Facts
The main subject of discussion was marijuana use among young people and the recent efforts to make the drug legal. Sara was among those who attended the event with three colleagues from the TAN. She participated in the event to earn extra credit for a class and use it as an opportunity to express their political beliefs, especially concerning the issue of Marijuana. They attended the meeting with black ...
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