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What defense will Ragged Mountain probably assert? Law Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read case and answer 4 questions on Pg 131 (Elaine Sweeney went to Ragged Mountain Ski Resort in...)

First, please prepare and apply a number of reasons that you organize your paper based on the questions for the book. Use the numbered questions in the book to correspond to numbers in your paper.

Second, remember is you do not cite, including page number, to the textbook you will receive a zero.

Third, please approach these questions as if you are answering your leader. Assume that your leader is not a lawyer and does not understand the law. If you are explaining about a defense, just don't name it, explain it, particularly as it relates to the facts of the case.

Fourth, if there are facts that are not listed, and you are assuming something, please explain what you are assuming.

Fifth, make sure if there are more than one rule that might apply you do not form a conclusion without explaining how or why you arrived at the conclusion. If the question asks you to explain, I need you to walk me through the law/rule and how the facts are applied to the law/rule.

Note: Please read through related content and use as many points and rules as possible that you find out onto the Answers. PLEASE!! Only apply the rules and points from textbook, do not use any source from outside of the textbook. It doesn't have to be the essay format, just answering question by numbers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Answer-Question Paper
1. What defense will Ragged Mountain probably assert?
As the plaintiff has voluntarily entered a dangerous situation, Ragged Mountain must be aware of the consequences, dangers and inherent risks involved. It can easily assert an affirmative defense of the assumption of danger or risk. It should be noticed that damages to plaintiffs in a tort action are subject to limitations under the due process clause of the United States Constitution (p. 113). Employees of Ragged Mountain became a part of the activity even when they knew that there was a likelihood of injuries or damages. As a defense, Ragged Mountain may have to use the statue enacted by the New Hampshire state legislature. It aims to protect ski operators from being punished or sued by individuals who sustain injuries while skiing. Alaina Sweeney was only busy with snow tubing and did not show any interest in skiing. On the other hand, Sweeney knew that the risk was involved in participating in this kind of activity, but they did not care about anything and chose to participate. It was better for Ragged Mountain to warn all of its employees (p. 129).
2. The central question in this case is whether the state statute establishing that skiers assume t...
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