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Persuasive Essay on Should Robots Have Human Rights?

Essay Instructions:

Persuasive Essay about: Should Robots have Human Rights?

Need an effective Hook that also includes a thesis (or perhaps a question), three separate paragraphs with supporting arguments for your main thesis, and a concluding paragraph that wraps everything up but doesn't simply restate the three supporting arguments.

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Should Robots Have Human Rights?
Would you want to share the same rights as a robot? Well, 30 years from now this would have been an unusual question. However, today, this appears like a perfectly normal question and one that elicits a lot of debates whenever it arises. This question often makes people what makes them human or what humanity entails in its entirety. Two parallel groups appear whenever robots are mentioned and the prospect of them being granted human rights or any rights for that matter. People fear the unknown, and with robots, there are a lot of issues that are yet to be guaranteed fully. One issue is their autonomy. Having been in control since the start of life, humanity is wary of the prospect of losing control. But is this a good enough reason why robots should be denied rights? Well, this article says no and this is on account of three things which include free will, morality or rationality, and animal rights. The main argument is that robots should have human rights.
First of all, human rights can simply be defined as a set of inalienable rights which must be considered or upheld while dealing with humans. As human beings, we are set aside from other creatures by the fact that we are autonomous and can make whichever decisions we deem fit. Well, with the help of advanced technology and artificial intelligence, robots have also shown that they can act independently of their creators. What this means is that with the right programming, robots can also attain a complex level of autonomy. Additionally, with the help of machine learning, robots can now learn faster. This means that soon, robots will be able to find newer and faster ways of doing things. As technology continues to become more sophisticated, robots will continue to improve and adapt to life in the real world. So, the expectation is that robots will become more aware of who they are and also exercise their free will just like human beings.
The second reason why robots should have human rights is that like human beings, robots may soon be aware of what is morally right and wrong. One may not be faulted if they say that morality is closely related to programming. From the time one is born, their morals...
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