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“Internet of Things (IoT)” is one of the emerging computing trends.

Essay Instructions:

Extra Credit Assignment – IST 202 -- Fall 2018

Please read the following instructions carefully so that if you choose to complete this Extra Credit Assignment, you will do so as required for the opportunity to receive maximum points.

The pace of innovation in Information Technology is rapid, and all companies will ultimately be affected, as will consumers. The following article provides a good overview of several trend areas in IT and the impact they are having on businesses.


To complete this assignment, please do the following, making sure you follow the directions provided:

1. Launch the URL above with coverage of five technology trend areas.

2. Select two of those five, and write a one-page report. It is permissible for your paper to roll over to a second page. Divide your paper into two sections.

a. The first section will cover the Internet of Things.

b. The second section will cover your choice of one of the remaining trend areas. Most of those remaining areas are somewhat related, whereas IoT is more unique from them.

3. Single-space each section with a double-space between sections. Use the italicized words below as the “title” of each item in the sections. In each section, you will provide the following:

a. Name of the Trend Area. This is simply the name of the trend area, like “Internet of Things.”

b. Definition of this Trend Area. In a phrase, define this trend area. This should take a line or two.

c. Distinguishing Features of this Trend. Provide a few of the things that distinguish this trend. These should be 3-5 short phrases, separated by semi-colons.

d. Three URLs that address this Trend Area. Search the internet for articles related to your trend area. Provide three sites that address this trend area and briefly summarize each in 2-3 sentences.

e. IMPORTANT – We will use Safe Assign and other products to check for plagiarism. Make sure that you do not copy directly from your selected sites or other sources but rather use your own words. If you do not know what Safe Assign is, contact your assigned TA.

This Extra Credit Assignment is worth 10 points and is due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 26. Your report must be typed using a font size of 11 and spaced as instructed above. Failure to follow instructions, including the required formatting, and submitting a report with typos and poor grammar will result in a lower score on this assignment. The information you provide is clearly important, but the visual quality of your report will also influence the points awarded.

Submit your report in the “EC Paper Submission Folder” under the “Assignments” tab. If you miss the deadline, you will not be able to submit your paper late.

If you have any questions about this assignment, ask in class or contact your assigned TA.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internet of Things (IoT)
“Internet of Things (IoT)” is one of the emerging computing trends. It is used to refer to a “network of physical objects” that normally uses APIs and sensors to connect to the internet and exchange data (Patel & Patel, 2016). IoT technology is at the center of smart cars, smart, wearables, smart appliances, smart health, smart city, smart farming, smart TV, smart home, smart building, and smart appliances; through IoT, billions of devices are now connected to the internet using billions of data points that need to be secured owing to the increasing security risks; the security risks aside, IoT comes with the ability to save money and time, better customer experience, increase revenue generation, make more informed decision making, improve the productivity of the employees et cetera (Drucker, 2015).
This article provides a definition for IoT and outlines the its characteristics, the enabling technologies, architecture, how it is applied and the challenges it might face in the future. The work of the authors in this article clearly lays the foundation for having rich information that is informative and educative at the same time and generally provides a strong case for IoT and its importance.
The work outlines the standardization requirements for IoT and what is needed to make the technology be universally accepted. The authors recognize the IoT is still a relatively new concept and that it is only through standardization that it can stand a chance of succeeding in the future.
In the article, the author explains what IoT means. The author recognizes that it is still a relatively new conc...
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