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Three Most Important Issues Americans Will Have to Face in the Year 2050

Essay Instructions:

As you prepare to take your role in the world, please consider what you believe will be the three most important issues Americans will have to face in the year 2050. Write an Op-Ed (opinion editorial) piece for a newspaper in which you address these issues and how you believe American political leaders, historians, and court justices should address these. Keep SPRITE in mind (using as many of them as you can). Must be 500-700 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Progress
The world is rapidly changing faster and ever, and as every new day dawns, new challenges confront the Americans. By 2050 the American population will face social-economic challenges like having the majority composed of the elderly and vulnerable people. Intelligence and technology will rule over the American cities, and there will be a change in the political arena with the rise of geopotential tensions.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has projected a rise in life expectancy to 78 years. By 2050, a person will live up to 95 years, resulting in an aged population. American population shall triple due to immigration as the immigrants will come with their descendants. An increased population shall impact the economy negatively, with the country's debt projected to double. The aged population shall require affordable health care, and with the rising cost of health care, the budget office needs to sustain the Affordable Care Act hence increased debt. With improved health care and a rise in life expectancy, large families will cease to exist as people will have few kids.
As a result of immigration, Hispanics in America will rise to almost one-third of the population. Combined with the Asians and other races, by 2050, racial demographics will change regardless of the policies guiding immigration. A change in racial demographics shall result in a difference in the nation's politics as voting constituencies will shift for both republicans and democrats; hence politicians from either side will pay attention to the immigrants. Religion will also be affected as people with no spiritual attachment are projected to rise. The number of Christians will also decline and grow the Muslim population.
Intelligence and technology will rise to unprecedented levels. For instance, with advancements in telemedicine, patients will have no reason to visit hospitals as doctors will perform telesurgeries virtually. Intelligence shall enable American homes to have mobile heat and light, not as it is now where a thermostat is fixed in a single place. With the advancements in technology, workers w...
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